Does Leadership Advice Work?

Ezra Gonzalez
2 min readAug 22, 2017


Let’s Find out.

In August-2017, I attended a broadcast of the Global Leadership Summit, which was a 2-Day Conference (Thursday/Friday). I’m going to tell you how I was able to apply all those valuable lessons in the first week back-at-work.

Spoiler Alert: it was a lot harder to do than I thought.

Admittedly, I took PTO on Monday to spend time with family that was passing through town. Priorities. The Summit’s lessons would have to wait.

Come Tuesday morning, I was ready to take every note of chicken-scratch in my Summit Notebook and start making my workplace a better…place. Still, I got to the office and decided that first thing is first — I have to put out any (possible) fires that might have sparked up in my absence. I opened up my emails, set my notebook aside on my desk, and started to catch up on emails.

At this point, the day is winding down. It’s about 4pm and I have finally found a moment to breathe. I got excited thinking about opening up my Summit Notebook — I don’t know why, since the day is past, but I’m excited all the same. I popped my head above my monitors to see what the office’s current vibe was. I had to stand on a desk to take this picture for you:

I work in a part of the building that holds 40+ work stations in an open-plan, and as I popped my head over my monitors, it wasn’t difficult to see that I was the only one physically there, still plugging away. This didn’t discourage me at all because I was going to be the hero (leader) this office needs! There was just one problem with my noble quest. It was Friday.

I don’t know where the week went, so here’s what I’m going to do. For the next few weeks, I’m going to actively apply and relate all the advice the leaders from this summit gave to see what happens. Let’s begin.

I’m going to call this effort Ezra’s Leadership Plan.

LINKS TO LEADERSHIP DAYS: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

