How is homework a waste of time?

2 min readMar 2, 2023



This is the most dreaded thing that every learner wishes never existed. This is because they believe it takes most of the valuable time they could spend with their families and peers.

Having provided Homework help services to many students over the years, I understand the hassle many students go through to deliver well-done homework.

It is with this that there has been a rise to a very controversial debate on whether homework should be banned or not.

Those in support of it will provide several reasons as I will highlight as discussed below.

Stress and Overload: Homework can be a major source of stress and anxiety for students, especially if it gets out of hand. This can result in low motivation, burnout, and even mental health problems.

Time-consuming: A student’s free time may be significantly taken up by homework, leaving little time for extracurricular activities, sports, and family obligations.

Unfairness: Certain students may have more access to resources than others, such as tutors or quiet study areas. As a result, there may be disparities in academic performance since people without access to these tools may find it difficult to finish their homework.

Evidence suggests that homework may not significantly improve academic performance, especially for younger kids.

Those against it will provide a number of reasons as I am going to highlight them.

Learning reinforcement: Homework helps students comprehend and remember knowledge by reinforcing skills and concepts learned in class.

Exam preparation: Homework can aid students in their exam preparation as well as the development of their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

The ability to manage one’s time effectively and with responsibility is a skill that homework teaches students, and these skills are crucial for success in both further education and the workforce.

Parental involvement: As parents can assist with homework assignments and keep track of their child’s development, homework can make it easier for parents to be involved in their child’s education.

Customized learning: Homework gives students the opportunity to work at their own pace and receive feedback from teachers specifically tailored to match their requirements.

In conclusion, when utilized properly and sparingly, homework can be a useful tool in the educational system and shouldn’t be totally prohibited.




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