Lionel Messi : Biography

Ezra J. Richter
8 min readMar 1, 2024


Word Count: 1,750


In this biography, I focus on the miraculous, ongoing career of World Cup winning footballer, Luis Lionel “Leo” Andres Messi. At the start of my analysis, I document the early stages of his life as a young boy in Rosario Argentina, and the ways in which his upbringing shaped his ambition and eventual success as a professional football player. I begin to cover his numerous achievements throughout his career, highlighting the significance of each one to his career, along with the impact they had on the world of football at the time.

Along with acknowledging his success on and off the pitch, I make a connection between his success and my professional aspirations, considering he is somebody I can draw a lot of inspiration from, regardless of having different career paths.

Biographical Background

Lionel Messi was born on June 24, 1987, in Rosario, Argentina. As a young child, he played football every day with his two older brothers, always relishing the challenge of playing against bigger kids. His raw talent on the ball was indisputable, making his opponents look like statues as he would glide past them with ease (Donnica, Picotti, 2024). Even at such a young age, without receiving any form of organized coaching, Leo’s technical ability was generational, and there for all to see. At the age of 6, he was playing for a local team called Grandoli, coached by his father. It was as though he was the only player on the pitch. His meticulous mastery of the ball, barely letting it go an inch past his foot, made his teammates appear useless, as he could do it all himself. Yet, the beauty of his game was his ability to combine and bring others into the play, often making players look far better than they actually are. He then moved on to join the youth system of Rosario’s local club, Newell’s Old Boys. He continued to prosper and evolve as a player, lighting up the pitch each time he set foot on it. The odds were not all in his favor however, as it was recognized by the coach and his parents that Messi was significantly smaller than most of his teammates, eventually being diagnosed with a growth-restricting hormone deficiency at the age of 10. The suggested treatment from the doctor were hormone injections that would be performed each night. This seemed like the perfect solution for Messi, however his mother knew she wouldn’t be able to afford the treatment each month. Despite this unfortunate setback, it didn’t deter him, but rather lit a flame in him that would soon see him join the greatest club in the world, FC Barcelona. When he was 13, he received an offer to join their academy, La Masia along with having his medical bill paid for by the club. This prompted Messi and his family to move 7,000 miles across the world to Spain, and it would see his rise to stardom officially begin (Vallarta, 2023).


It is rare when somebody in any industry is unanimously accepted as the best to ever do it, if not, unheard of, since an individual typically forms their own opinion on the amount of talent that they believe someone may possess. There is however, one exception in the form of Lionel Messi. Even the greats that came before him, who often experience a privileged sense of seniority in the world of football, acknowledge that if they are considered the best, Messi is in a whole different bracket. The beauty of Lionel Messi is not just the respect he commands on the pitch, but off of it. In terms of being respected on the pitch, he is never underestimated, for to do so would be considered outlandish from a tactical perspective. This means that he is often double teamed by the opposing team, making it all the more impressive when he wriggles through two defenders rather than one. There has been a plethora of players with elevated technical ability that have come before Messi, with the likes of Johan Cruyff, George Best, Diego Maradona. However, none have left an impact on the game as Messi has. For example, Johan Cruyff invented one of the most popular skill moves of all time, the Cruyff turn, and while his playstyle was extremely influential at the time, his impact was not revolutionary. Other players continued to utilize their own physical attributes whether it be speed, strength, or aerial ability. Messi however, brought a whole new dimension to the game which prioritized technical ability over every other aspect. This manifested in a style of play that the world of football had not yet seen, typically referred to as Tiki Taka. Tiki Taka is a style of football which centers around very quick, short, and precise passing around the opponent, in order to create space and open gaps in the defense which can then be exploited. This new style was what propelled Barcelona to go and be consistently the best team in the world for at least 10 years straight, winning practically everything. Football has not looked back since, as now this is the reality of almost all professional football that is being played today. It is now less about finding the fastest or strongest player on the team and relying on their individual ability to create a goal scoring chance, and more about using extreme control and technical ability to keep the ball constantly moving and looking for an opening, somewhat comparable to chess. In terms of being respected off the pitch however, Messi silences egos. Spanish central defender for Sevilla, but primarily known as a Real Madrid legend, Sergio Ramos is one of the best center backs we have ever seen in football. He embodies every trait necessary for a world class defender with his tenacity, aggression, aerial threat, and leadership. Sergio Ramos and Lionel Messi experienced a fierce rivalry that would last 15+ years, with Sergio playing for Madrid and Lionel playing for Barcelona. The history between Madrid and Barca has existed long before these two players, with the El Clasico fixture being one of the most anticipated games of the season in all five major leagues. The likes of Roberto Carlos and Luis Figo paved the way for what the El Clasico is today, which is a highly anticipated spectacle between two historic teams fighting for one thing and one thing only, pride. This is what Messi’s unparalleled ability was capable of doing, taking the pride out of the most prideful. There are enough quotes on Messi made by other football players for me to fill a yearbook however one that truly stands out to me is the one by Sergio Ramos: “There was suffering for several years playing against Messi. I am now enjoying him. He is the best player football has ever produced” (Keighley, 2023). Not only has Messi brought people together over the sport of football, he has also been a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador since 2004, actively supporting their campaigns to provide aid to children in need. This is a matter very close to his heart, considering the medical adversity he faced as a child. In 2007, Messi began his non-profit organization, The Leo Messi Foundation. His aim is to preserve the health and safety of children in need, by providing them with healthcare services they would not normally receive. Leo said himself: “I reached my dream of becoming a footballer and I want you to know that I fought a lot to get there and I have to fight even more to stay. I want to take advantage of that effort and that success to help the children who need it the most, because that is how I have chosen it, because I am moved every day that I get a child to smile, when they think there is hope, when I see that they feel happy. That is why we decided to create the Leo Messi Foundation. And I will continue fighting to make children happy with the same strength and dedication that I need to continue being a footballer” (Breitbach, 2023).

Professional Reflections

Considering that being a football commentator/journalist/presenter is a passion of mine, I can learn a lot from Messi’s achievements and the way in which he has approached periods of adversity. I can relate to the turmoil that he would have experienced as a 10 year old finding out about his medical condition, having gone through something similar. Growing up in London and then moving to the United States at such a young age, football was my only constant, the only thing that remained in my ever changing life. Leaving my local club left me distraught, with the assumption that I would never be able to find anything like it in America, where I could continue to develop the same way I was in England. Luckily, I found a club through a mutual friend, and before I knew it, I was over the moon with my new setup. Not only did I love the coach, but I loved the companionship I shared with my teammates, something I wasn’t as used to in England where the competition was immense. My journey however, had to come to a heartbreaking end when I suffered a severe injury to my hamstring, leaving me ruled out of playing football for nearly 9 months. At that time, I felt utterly and completely dejected, unsure of what to do with my life. Subsequently, I fell out of love with football. This continued for about 6 months, against the advice of my doctor who had suggested for me to start light training and conditioning again. Never had I experienced an injury of this magnitude and it was the uncertainty of playing again and at the same intensity and level I used to was what prevented me from getting back on the grass. It was then when I looked back at my life, attempting to analyze the aspects of my life that make it all worth living, and I could only ever land on football. I knew that I needed to work towards full fitness the same way Messi worked towards his contract at Barcelona, without any sort of guarantee. Messi would not have known that persevering through his medical condition would grant him the success in the way it did, however it is the lack of guarantee that warrants such hard work and dedication. This is when I knew I could not simply give up, as my future as a footballer could only be guaranteed by myself and myself only. It was then that I began my rehabilitation. Fast forward to today, I made a full recovery and am able to play football with no issue whatsoever. However, my goal of playing professionally was simply not meant to be, and accepting this took a lot longer than I would have hoped, and I’m not even sure if I have yet. Nonetheless, I no longer reminisce on where I would be without my injury, as it does nothing for me but dwell on the past. I am now focusing on what lies ahead, and the ways in which I can optimize my chance of achieving my dream as a sports journalist.


In conclusion, Messi is a significant role model in my life for not only his unparalleled success and legacy in world football, but also the way in which he has approached adversity. The mental fortitude he has displayed throughout his life is nothing short of miraculous, and regardless of what career somebody is in, it is impossible not to be inspired by his achievements. Adopting a similar mindset to his has allowed me to recapture my passion, with a slight change in career from player to journalist, of course. However, if I were not able to get back in touch with my love for the game, I would not be able to envision myself in the world of football whatsoever, and for that I am eternally grateful for the faith and determination that Lionel Messi’s legacy has instilled in me.


-Breitbach, E., 2023, “Leo Messi Foundation Helping To End Global Poverty.” Borgen Magazine.

-Vallarta, 2023, “How HGH Injections Took Messi to the Top.” HGH Vallarta

-Rodriguez, 2021, “‘Top 20’ best quotes ever said about Messi.” Be Soccer

-Keighley, 2023, “Sergio Ramos makes “better” admission on Lionel Messi despite Real Madrid rivalry

-Donica, A., Piccotti, T., 2024, “Lionel Messi.” Biography

