A tale from my country

Ezzahraoui Aymane
4 min readDec 12, 2023


In the heart of the Maghreb, where the sun paints the desert with hues of ochre and gold, there lived a wise and noble leader named Amir Youssef. His eyes, mirroring the brilliance of the Sahara at dawn, and his heart, resonating with the ancient rhythms of the Atlas Mountains, guided a realm of diverse people united under his leadership.

Amir Youssef was revered for his fairness and strength, his wisdom echoing through the labyrinthine alleys of Marrakech and the windswept kasbahs of the Atlas. As the sun dipped behind the undulating dunes, casting shadows on the ancient medinas, Amir Youssef gathered his people beneath the date palms for a tale as timeless as the sand that stretched to the horizon.

He spoke of a distant land, where the Almoravid forces, led by Youssef ibn Tachfin, faced the armies of Alfonso VI. The tale unfolded amidst the echoes of the High Atlas, and the rhythm of the story carried the subtle scent of Moroccan spices through the air.

“In the shimmering heat of the Iberian Peninsula, our forebear Youssef ibn Tachfin, like a desert breeze, swept through the battlefield,” Amir Youssef began. “And just as the Atlas holds its ground against the changing winds, so did Youssef ibn Tachfin, understanding that the strength of his people lay in unity, much like the enduring strength of the Atlas.”

As the storyteller wove the tapestry of the tale, the aroma of mint tea wafted through the gathering, mingling with the fragrance of incense from the nearby souks. Amir Youssef continued, “In the labyrinth of conflict, Youssef ibn Tachfin extended a hand of friendship even in victory, much like the warm hospitality that graces our homes in the medinas and kasbahs. For he knew that unity, like the intricate zellige patterns adorning our walls, is the true artistry of a people.”

The people listened, their eyes reflecting the golden glow of the storyteller’s words, and they understood that the tale was not just a story but a reflection of their own heritage. Under the canopy of stars, Amir Youssef imparted the wisdom learned from Youssef ibn Tachfin’s life, subtly infusing the story with the essence of Morocco.

In the following days, as the medina bustled with life and the call to prayer echoed through the ancient streets, the people of Morocco carried the spirit of the tale forward. In the heart of Marrakech and the silence of the Sahara, they lived the legacy, where the tapestry of unity was interwoven with the vibrant threads of their diverse culture. The winds of the Sahara whispered their approval, carrying the essence of the Moroccan tale across the dunes, where the legacy of Amir Youssef lived on in the ever-shifting sands of time.

As the seasons cycled through, the land under Amir Youssef’s rule flourished with the colors of Morocco. In the bustling medinas, artisans crafted intricate metalwork and vibrant textiles, each piece a testament to the unity that echoed through the tale. The scent of spices lingered in the air, and the mellifluous notes of traditional Moroccan music floated through the labyrinthine streets.

One day, as the muezzin’s call echoed from the minaret, a caravan arrived at the city gates. The nomads, their silhouettes mirroring the undulating dunes, sought refuge in the kingdom of Amir Youssef. Some, wary of the unfamiliar faces, questioned the wisdom of welcoming them into their midst.

Amir Youssef, however, saw the opportunity to add new hues to the Moroccan mosaic. In the riads and kasbahs, he welcomed the nomads with open arms, the fragrant mint tea flowing freely as a symbol of hospitality. The storytellers of the desert shared their tales, and the rhythmic beat of their drums blended seamlessly with the melodies of the local musicians.

In the moonlit courtyards, under the same stars that had witnessed the tales of Youssef ibn Tachfin, Amir Youssef gathered his people once more. “Just as the Sahara embraces all who traverse its sands, so shall we embrace these nomads as kin,” he proclaimed. “For the beauty of Morocco lies not just in its ancient cities but in the diversity that dances across its landscapes.”

And so, the medinas became a kaleidoscope of cultures, the calligraphy of unity written in the narrow alleyways and hidden corners. The nomads, in turn, added their tales to the rich tapestry of Moroccan storytelling, creating a synthesis of traditions that resonated through the red city and the arid expanses alike.

Under the desert moon, Amir Youssef’s kingdom flourished like an oasis. The souks overflowed with goods from both settled and nomadic traditions, the Saharan winds carrying whispers of gratitude for the openness and acceptance that defined the realm.

As the years unfolded, the legacy of Amir Youssef continued to weave its way through Morocco. The desert dunes, the Atlas peaks, and the vibrant cities bore witness to a kingdom that understood the art of unity, much like the intricate tilework that adorned its architectural masterpieces.

And so, the tale of Amir Youssef lived on, a perpetual narrative echoing in the wind, as Morocco remained a testament to the enduring beauty of diversity embraced under the wise gaze of its noble leader.

