Eighth Coding Week

2 min readJul 9, 2018


This week was mostly devoted to the search features proposed by me for Portal. It was a very important feature and required lots of coding. I first documented the feature and only when it was approved by all mentors, I started off with the coding part.

Primarily,I started off with creating an upcoming meetups page similar to the local events page of the main AnitaB.org website following which I coded the UI of the search divs. It looked somewhat like :

I didn’t use a form for the search options as all forms used in portal are rendered through crispy forms. I customized the divs instead.

For the search features , I used javascript to send the data as post data so that I could get them in my views and filter results accordingly.

I created a separate view for filtering and displaying the desired results. As I hadn’t used forms , I needed to use @csrf_exempt to execute my views.

Presently,users are able to filter results based upon the search filters. What remains is filtering them by distance from the user’s location which I’ll be implementing shortly.

Besides this feature , I was also into documenting a notification feature and have submitted the same to one of my mentors to add on to the actions for which notifications need to be sent.

