Television 5.0 — Face to Face Broadcasting

2 min readJun 13, 2017


The first working television set was created in 1926 by the resourceful Scot, John Logie Baird, from (among other things) “an old hatbox and a pair of scissors, some darning needles, a few bicycle light lenses, a used tea chest, and sealing wax and glue that he purchased.

I yelled and yelled at the glowing box, but it never answered back.

From that inauspicious start, television has gone through four distinct generations. Now, 91 years later, the fifth and most exciting phase has begun.

TV 1.0 sent moving images over the air from a broadcaster to an audience. It took a lot of expensive equipment to make this happen so there were very few broadcasters.

Cable was TV 2.0. Signals could now be sent over wires. The large number of televisions and the lower cost of broadcasting let dozens and then hundreds of companies become broadcasters.

The Internet enabled TV 3.0 which is characterized by YouTube. Millions of people create videos that are watched 1 billion hours per day. This started the democratization of broadcasting.

TV 4.0 is live streaming. Any device with a camera and an Internet connection can send a live (or almost live) broadcast into the world where it can be seen and heard by anyone with a connected device.

The technology and players changed in each of these iterations. But the underlying premise never varied: a broadcaster sent sound and images to a passive audience.

TV 5.0 is face to face broadcasting. It’s live streaming with a huge bonus: anyone in the audience can join the show and be seen and heard by everyone else.

Have you ever watched somebody on TV or a live stream and really wanted to speak with them?

Have you ever hosted a live stream or webinar or online course and wished you could really connect with your audience?

Have you ever wanted to share an experience with the world and have the world share it with you?

That’s face to face broadcasting.




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