What Are the Key Platforms for Mobile App Development?

Fatima Anis
4 min readApr 12, 2024


Mobile App Development

The key platforms for mobile app development are iOS, Android, and cross-platform tools like React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin, along with Progressive Web Apps.

When you decide to make a Mobile App Development Dubai, you need to think about who you’re making it for and what they use.

If most of your users have iPhones, you might want to focus on iOS. If they’re mostly Android users, then Android is the way to go.



iOS is the software that runs on iPhones and iPads. Apple makes it, and it’s a big deal for app developers. To make apps for iOS, people usually use a programming language called Swift or another one called Objective-C.

They work with a tool called Xcode. The only place you can get iOS apps is the App Store, where they’re checked before they’re released to make sure they’re good enough.



Android is made by Google and it’s the most popular system for phones around the world.

Apps for Android are made using languages like Java or Kotlin, and developers use a tool called Android Studio. You find Android apps on the Google Play Store, which is where most Android users get their apps from.

Cross-Platform Development

Cross-Platform Development

Some tools let developers make apps that work on both iOS and Android without having to write everything twice. These include:

  • React Native: Made by Facebook, it lets developers use JavaScript and React to make apps that look and feel like they’re made for each platform.
  • Flutter: Created by Google, Flutter uses a language called Dart and helps developers make apps that are fast and look great on both iOS and Android.
  • Xamarin: Owned by Microsoft, Xamarin lets developers make apps for iOS, Android, and even Windows using a language called C# and a tool called .NET.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

These are kind of like a mix between regular websites and mobile apps. They can do cool things like work offline and send notifications, and you can add them to your phone’s home screen.

They’re made using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and you can use them on any device with a web browser.

Choosing the Right Platform

Choosing the Right Platform

When you decide to make an app, you need to think about who you’re making it for and what they use.

If most of your users have iPhones, you might want to focus on iOS. If they’re mostly Android users, then Android is the way to go.

Making Your App Available

Making Your App Available

Once your app is ready, you’ll need to make it available for people to download. If you’re making an iOS app, you’ll need to submit it to the App Store.

For Android apps, you’ll submit them to the Google Play Store. It’s important to follow the guidelines and rules for each store to make sure your app gets approved.

Also Read: What is Mobile App Development and How are Apps Created?

Getting Started

Getting Started

If you’re new to app development, there are plenty of resources available to help you get started.

You can find tutorials, online courses, and communities of developers who are willing to lend a hand. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and learn from others who have been where you are.

Keep Learning and Improving

Keep Learning and Improving

The world of app development is always changing, so it’s important to keep learning and improving your skills.

Stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends, and don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. The more you learn and practice, the better you’ll become at making great apps that people love to use.



If you want to make mobile apps, you’ve got options. Whether you pick iOS, Android, or use tools that work across both, the important thing is to make something that people will love using.

With the right tools and know-how, anyone can create awesome apps that people will enjoy using on their phones and tablets.

