E-FIL+ customers can apply for 25P|Specially for enterprise customers, providing data storage services

5 min readSep 7, 2022


Recently, the Filecoin community has been discussing E-FIL+ more and more frequently. As E-FIL+ is about to be piloted, let’s talk about it: E-FIL+.

Why propose E-FIL+?

Filecoin officials realize that only 20% of the data in the world is public. Web3-conscious clients are interested in storing data on Filecoin, but for non-public enterprise data, Filecoin, which only stores public data, is not suitable.

In order to allow Filecoin to better store real data, and to meet the storage needs of enterprise-level customers, E-FIL+ came into being.

The full name of E-FIL is Filecoin Enterprise, which aims to retain the mission of Filecoin and provide non-public data support for enterprises. On the basis of enjoying FIL+, which is ten times the effective computing power of Filecoin, enterprises also enjoy the private storage privilege (service) of data.

What is the difference between E-FIL+ and FIL+?

Today, FIL+ has been implemented for two years, and the number of customers participating in FIL+ has been increasing recently.

According to the data, the data stored on the Filecoin network through FIL+ reached 175.48P, bringing a capacity of 1.754E to the Filecoin network, which is close to 10% of the total storage capacity.

FIL+ is still booming, growing steadily at the rate of dozens of companies almost every day. At present, the maximum total application quota for FIL+ is 5P. With the addition of more outstanding enterprises, Filecoin officially found that the upper limit of 5P for a single enterprise may not meet the data capacity of all enterprises, and intends to increase the quota of 5P.

At the same time, the mechanism of FIL+ is for the enterprise to apply, and the official and notary public to review and supervise, but how to determine that the enterprise is the enterprise itself, and the data of the enterprise is the real data from the enterprise, not the fake data through the application? As a result, in order to ensure that rights and data are not abused, FIL+’s audit is also more stringent.

Furthermore, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, since FIL+ stores public data sets, public data sets will discourage enterprise-level private data, or, in other words, will allow enterprises to selectively store data on the Filecoin network.

Therefore, when we understand the difference between E-FIL+ and FIL+, we can understand that E-FIL+ is an upgraded version of FIL+. For the problems exposed by FIL+, E-FIL+ has a new solution:

1. Speed ​​up the review process. E-FIL+ customers are recommended by a notary and officially reviewed. Because of the notary’s endorsement, the review process and mechanism will be simplified, that is, the time from the customer’s submission of the E-FIL application to the time when the quota is credited will be greatly accelerated.

2. E-FIL+ can store private data. Although the data currently stored on the Filecoin network are all public datasets, the Filecoin network will provide E-FIL customers with specialized private data services. After the data is stored in the Filecoin network, it cannot be been viewed.

3. The maximum limit of FIL+ is 5P, and the maximum limit of E-FIL+ will be adjusted to 25P.

4. E-FIL+ will introduce contract agreements. At present, FIL+ mainly provides domain name mailboxes for enterprises, and some require business licenses. E-FIL may be the company’s domain name mailbox + business license + signing contract, etc. At the same time, it may be supplemented by the content published on social networking sites to determine participation in E-FIL+, or the official may develop a complete set of KYC certification system to achieve one Chemical certification (the specific KYB of E-FIL+ is still under discussion and has not been fully determined).

5. FIL+, the notary only has the right to supervise and sign, E-FIL+ will be led by LeadSP, LeadSP has the right to audit + right to supervise + right to sign, and needs to be responsible for the recommended customers, if the customer is honest, LeadSP or will Get rewarded, if the client is dishonest, LeadSP will also be held accountable for it.

As Filecoin official Kevin Z said, “For E-Fil+, we want to better make private datasets available on the network, which is the main difference from FIL+. To do this, we need to make sure to consider and agree between clients and SPs. Manage all data specifications”.

What impact will the implementation of E-FIL+ bring?

Just as the implementation of ten times the effective computing power has brought a great impact on Filecoin, the implementation of E-FIL+ will also have a far-reaching impact.

This is one of the signs of the maturity and commercialization of the Filecoin network. Whether it is IPFS or Filecoin, what it currently stores is public data, which can be viewed by everyone. Being available to everyone means that the data is only moderately “precious” and that people’s willingness to pay for it is almost nil.

When the Filecoin network stores enterprise-level private data through E-FIL+, it means that the Filecoin network has the “storage + encryption” capabilities of cloud storage service providers such as “Alibaba Cloud” and “Amazon Cloud”, which can really attract Customers with real data storage needs can safely store data on the Filecoin network, and pave the way for future charges.

This is like a shopping mall that can provide high-quality services and is in a prime location. It claims to the public that now, all my stores do not charge rent, not only do they not charge rent, but also water, electricity, security, and property expenses. Merchants are coming soon.

When all the merchants have settled in and found that this mall is better than other malls in all aspects, then the stickiness of the merchants will increase, and it will also attract more merchants to settle in. At this time, if the mall starts to charge and is Far lower than the charges of other shopping malls, are merchants willing to pay for storage?

The answer is obvious:

Definitely would.

Similarly, we believe that the implementation of E-FIL+ will be an important start for Filecoin to go commercial.

Once Filecoin goes commercial, the data stored on the Filecoin network needs to be paid for and settled in FIL, then the value and liquidity of FIL will be greatly enhanced.

The future of Filecoin is infinite!




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