Zenith tips

Fabrice Dubois
3 min readSep 9, 2017


This is an annex to my main article on The Sentinel and Zenith. John Valentine wrote Zenith for Windows, but with a little effort you can enjoy it on Mac (or Linux, or whatever). I run macOS Sierra 10.12.6 on a fairly fast iMac, but any decently recent — or recently decent — machine should do.

Installing stuff

1. Install VMWare Fusion on macOS

This is is the container that allows you to run a Windows system on a Mac. VMWare isn’t free but at the time of writing there’s a 30-day trial. I haven’t tried other emulation software.

2. Install Windows on VMWare Fusion

A good old Windows XP did the job for me. Other versions probably work fine too. Keep it simple if you’re only going to be Zenithing.

3. Install OpenAL on Windows

A free audio support library (get the Windows installer). Easy.

4. Install Zenith on Windows

If Zenith won’t launch, make sure you have installed OpenAL properly.

For the best gaming experience, we now need to tune a couple of things.
The following settings have worked great for me.

Tuning VMWare preferences

Mouse proved crazy sensitive and unusable until I set this
Allows you to resize the Zenith window to fill up your entire Mac display (or almost)

Tuning Zenith

That’s personal, so experiment for yourself

Playing Zenith


Point at the checkered ground, any free tile
Press B (or 2) to create boulder
Press R (or 3) to create body (Robot)


Point at destination body
Press Q
You now see the body you’re coming from — absorb it


Point at a tree, boulder, body or enemy
Press Space
Only works if you see the object’s base tile!
Once you’ve absorbed the Sentinel, take its place, then press Q to win


Please consider supporting Zenith’s dev!


Press M for map
Press U to turn around 180°
Press H to hyperspace to random tile (panic)
Much more in John’s comprehensive Player’s Guide



Fabrice Dubois
Fabrice Dubois

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