Paola Faben Oliveira
Paola Faben Oliveira

Hey, I'm Paola, and here are some facts about myself

I'm a 32 years old Brazilian living in Tallinn, Estonia.

My native language is Portuguese although I'm writing in English here.

I'm a marketer with over 10 years of experience. I currently work at Wise, creating business content for the UK market.

Some words that I think can describe my personality:

Curious | Creative | Funny | Joyful

I'm married to my soul-mate Fabio.

We're born on the same day, month, year, and hospital. Yes, we shared the nursery, and now we share our lives.

Besides Fabio, I have another life partner, and he's called Bob!

He's a cute little dog who stayed with me in my happiest and hardest times. Right now we're apart, he is living with my parents in Brazil, and I miss him every day.

I love to read.

On the fictional side, I enjoy romance novels the most, but I'm always trying something new with fantasy or thriller stories. About non-fictional books, I love to read about digital trends, creativity, and also stoic philosophy.

Cooking is one of my passions in life.

Once I thought that it would be possible to turn it into my profession, but I'm learning that some hobbies are just it: hobbies!

With writing, I think the case can be a little different.

I consider writing as a hobby but is also a strong part of my profession, as a marketer I write all the time! Sometimes big pieces, sometimes small texts. However, here I write to learn, to have fun, to express myself, and mostly to practice my ability of writing. But it's also an experiment: can I turn my writing hobby into a real profession? I think you should press the "follow" button so we can discover it together!

Wanna keep in touch?

Here is my Instagram account (most contents are in Portuguese, but I'm planning to launch a new account to communicate in English. I'll post it on Insta as soon the page is born).

Let's talk business? This is my LinkedIn profile.

And don't forget to subscribe to receive my texts right into your mailbox.

Medium member since April 2024
Paola Faben Oliveira

Paola Faben Oliveira

I'm a Brazilian living in Tallinn, Estonia. I write about my life experiences, lessons and some random reflections.