Music recommendation: Humbug — By Arctic Monkeys

3 min readJun 6, 2024


humbug cover
Humbug cover

Okay, so, everybody knows Arctic Monkeys, I hope so at least, one of the biggest bands in the world nowadays. I´m sure you´ve listened to Do I Wanna Know, I wanna be yours, or 505, unless you´ve been living under a rock. Arctic Monkeys became insanely famous thanks to ther 2013 album, “AM”, 7 OF THEIR TOP 10 MOST LISTENED SONGS ON SPOTIFY ARE FROM THIS ALBUM. And there´s nothing wrong with this, but it´s sad that their other works are sometimes forgotten, in fact, a lot of people think that this was their debut.

Anyways, what I want to talk about today is Humbug, their 2009 album, and, in my opinion, their best work so far.

What I love about this album, is how hooking it is to the listener, it is a constant push & pull, taking us from heavy tracks, with an agressive and darker sound, like My propeller, Dangerous Animals, or Pretty Visitors; to more reflective, sensitive songs like Secret door, Fire and the Thud, and Cornerstone. There is a constant dark, psychedelic vibe during the record, that is presented since the cover of the album, aIf you´re an edgy, highly uneasy individual like me, I think you definitely will find this appealing.

Music video of My Propeller

If you like to analyze the lyrics of the songs you listen to, I´ll warn you, these ones are ambiguous af. But this is something positive in my opinion, it contributes to the enigmatic vibe of the album. We find anger, emotional fatigue in this record, but also sensibility, nostalgia and sufferment, and even sexual desire. Alex Turner is not only a great musician and poet, but also a horny mf.

And talking about Alex Turner, as he being the face of Arctic Monkeys, people tend to overlook the rest of the band, but a very nice thing in this record is that it gave the opportunity to all the members to shine in their own way, each one of the instruments in the songs are doing their thing and making a contribution to the music, no one overshadows the others.

Give it a shot if you haven´t listened to it, it´s a great album and relatively short, as it only lasts 39 minutes with a tracklist of 10 songs. Or at least listen to some of the tracks.

See you next week.




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