Why Crypto? Intro 1

11 min readOct 26, 2023

Maybe you know a guy who is a complete crypto noob, I hope this is giving a good entrance.

You maybe already know that fiat (the old school money system) is a kind of crap system. The govs give you inflation, banks print money for every credit and it is backed by 0.x percentages. They don’t give you any rewards for saving money on their system (bank), it is more like the opposite.
So this is maybe an important thing to seek in a valuable crypto project. Being able to replace the current system in a decentralized way. And most of the people in crypto probably have no clue about that, and are only in for the money, the shiba inu pump and dump money for example.
If you see people shill those meme or special purpose chains, this is just not what crypto is made for, better go to a casino. Do nft, do an ai chain, do chains with tokenomics (coin release schedule) showing you in a second the devs (developers) just wanna cash out...

If they can’t exchange the finance system decentralized, they are a fun project to me.

Small chain intro 2

There is Bitcoin, the first digital currency that solved the double spending (copy pasta) problem. Trying to give people in down only environments the possibility to store value. All perfect it seems. The two main problems to me are no decentralized finance possible (smart contracts, no stable dollar either) and proof of work. Which really is a waste, even if you are not into ecological things. And it’s missused by politicians to create needless power plant infrastructure for the sake of printing btc with mining...
No defi means that in a down only year like 2022 and a fiat crap country, you can try to start an own business in February, you are bankrupt three to six months later, no matter how good your biz performs. So if btc only is a hedge if you get in and out at the right time, it failed (said by a btc maxi)

Ethereum, the basis to do bank like stuff with smart contracts, giving you borrow/lend, staking (participating in chain governance and securing the chain, for small revenue), liquidity pooling (giving your tokens for others to do swaps of your used pair for exchanges) The flaws looking at fees and centralization are not getting better, it is a doomed system kept alive by nft’s, things like aave (ethereum app), rich people and

L2’s, some chains are only build to make ethereum usable. Nice but they rely on a doomed system so it is bullshit in the long run.

Cosmos, not more than an sdk (software development kit) that helps to build as much interconnected L1 chains as you want...
The approach to have a L1 with developers adding more and more apps failed for eth imo.

Kujira, what btc and eth wanted to be all the time... this punchline will be explained in detail :)

Why I have more trust in crypto than in my bank? (as wealthy german :P)

The thing about the banks is, even if they would try to act in good faith, they could never compete in any service vs the smart contract. The smart contract (if flawless) will work forever as the third party that assures the correctness of the contract two parties agree to.
Without any payment, without any shady provision to sell you every bullshit a bank can dream of.

So everytime someone decides to use a service a super small fee (it is so in good systems, not in eth) will be retracted as rewards to people who stake with the service for example... so guys who really hodl and spend safety for the systems get something, that is very noice for proof of stake. Really every bloody technic noob can participate in the system revenue and governance, and not only the ones who just bought the most graphic cards and only want to squeeze out every single dollar of an however proof of work like system.

The small fee thing I described first would be favoured as real yield, so the project is only giving real created rewards by usage and not by printing inflative tokens.
The rewards for staking should be kind of low imo, because otherwise it is more likely coming from bad ideas like inflation or to high fees. People want to secure the chain and want to decide its direction. I participate with just a little amount of my networth to do my part.
During a certain cosmos era, people loved it to get project airdrops, which is just like a shady ico (initial coin offering) process to me and will probably only lead to a nice pump and dump release scheme.

I love this documentary: https://youtu.be/46xMWab0VJg?feature=shared

Forget the title. Noone explains btc tech the thousands time to you. It is a lovely assumption of what satoshi’s thoughts might have been like.

What can defi do for you?

I think I already said enough about staking, pls remember a good chain has real yield or hopefully only a low staking reward for you to offer. But it is very important the small user shrimps provide 51% of available liquidity, so a bad whale can not do any kind of 51% attack.

Liquidity pools

are a very nice way to earn with your assets in a constant down year like 2022. You are giving away your coins to a pool for people who want to exchange them. Their fee is your reward. Please check what is meant with impermanent loss. And please know that this is just like accumulating to me if you pair a coin and a stable and the coin is loosing worth.

Lending and borrowing

protocols like Aave. Here you can put your assets on to lend them to others, and depending on the utilization of the pool the rewards and fees for borrowers and lenders are adjusted.

You should always check if pools you use have good liquidity, they could be gamed if people drain it out, and it is a red flag if you are the only one in the pool, although if you earn the most rewards then.

Stable usd systems

For me usk (which is the kujira stable dollar) is much above usdc,usdt,usd,eur because we are overcollaterized for sure and not only minted by debts.

And we are also much better than rai either, because of the utility and apps surrounded and let you interact with your usk.

I don’t even speak about dai which is using centralized entities like usdc as collaterals.

Usk is just brilliant, you can put in a lot of your shitcoins that are at a loss atm, as collateral and mint some dollar for it, depending on your collaterals worth. And depending on your collateral price action you should take care you not borrow to much and get liquidated.

Conclusion, why kujira?

Or the better title: Where we are, you can’t catch up with, or blinded by the lights. 🙈😂

Idk, I don’t want to impress someone with brilliant thoughts. It is an entrance for noobs. It is an explanation why no other coin price action is bothering me and why I am proud of kuji and also this are so obvious thoughts, I almost think I am selling you guys as dumb.

I meanwhile started shilling kuji to normis like super defensively, because I learned from luna, and an exploit could also still finish us anytime... who knows.

I have an easy game with full normis, I focus to explain why fiat is shit and why crypto is the cure, ezpez.

But the guys who have a little knowledge, wreck to understand that actual price action of btc, eth... are just bullshit trades of bored traders and the projects itself already failed their original intentions... I mean in a year like 22 really noone wants btc to be the only currency in the world and defi on eth is useless without L2s.

Some know me meanwhile, I’d say crypto is nothing but a shelter for people bound to fucked up fiat systems... not to make you rich mfs.
That is why our usk is the most important achievement of kujira to me...
but would I be a kuji maxi with just this usk, probably not... it is not a single app, and it is also not that you need hundred apps doing the same.


real yield (staking/ revenue in general)
fair liquidations (orca)
usk (decentralized stable money)
fin (fair order book)
bow (first sustainable lp provider)
ghost (maybe just like aave)
pilot (modern ico)
plasma (otc “off the chain” deals)
"manta (market order aggregator)
calc (comfortable saving plans, ai supported)
blackwhale (grindbot), which could be replaced by yourself with hummingbot"

Every single app makes the other app better.

Yeah rai does it the same with their stable, but can they handle their liquidations with an own app like orca?
Yeah inj has an order book with vc (venture capitalist) pumped liquidity and trades, but if they are gone, can users provide liquidity and earn like with bow?
Yes people can earn from aave, but is their liquidity also available for a dex like fin to provide perp (leverage trade) liquidity or can they still bid on liquidations with the asset they lend? 🤯

Our apps are one of a kind and masterpieces from the start, also they look normal to you, they are build hyper fast in months where everyone else needed years... they are build for us, so we are not doomed in down only environments, you can earn or keep wealth in both directions of the charts.

If you don’t see the perfection in this and don’t know our humble and smart bosses who really want to make a difference for the poor!(!x10)
Maybe it is just your fault, that you didn’t see the light yet.

I am just speaking of the change of the world currency, to something that helps everyone equally participate of the moneysystem... no fraud from govs loving inflation to reduce their debt or print some win, wanting to know all about your wins to tax you. No banks collecting the revenue while providing nothing to you. Only shrimps trading commodities and let all brojis (a brother that holds kuji ☺) participate equally.

So this is not to tell you how great kujira really is, I can’t write a book about that atm. But I got to tell you, I could probably write a book why almost all your other coins are not far away from pure bullshit.

Thinking of the worst kujira decision in the last year... maybe I wouldn’t have released sonar to satisfy our ct heads, and without all core apps working and delivering the ease of terra station, but however, that’s nothing and only a matter of time.
Thanks Team Kujira for giving your best all the time, the world needs us, they just don’t know sometimes 😘

How to buy $KUJI

First download Kujira's Sonar mobile wallet
Other wallet options: Leap, Station, Keplr, Xdefi

Option 1 - via Cosmos:
▫️ Buy ATOM on CEX
▫️ Withdraw to your wallet's Cosmos address
▫️ Transfer to Kujira chain via Blue
▫️ Switch gas choice to ATOM from your profile on Sonar
▫️ Trade on Fin or Manta

Option 2 - via EVM:
▫️ Use Squid Router to bridge and trade OR
▫️ Buy on Arbitrum or Optimism

Other options:
▫️ MEXC, Bitrue (CEX); Osmosis (DEX); Local (P2P); Plasma (OTC)

Who is this idiot?

Doing my one year soldier time, I met the first same year old who tells me he trades. I think of trading like hundreds of people yelling buy/sell on exchange floors

I guess someone first shilled me btc in 2010 or so, an economy student, always best in class, my neighborhood broski. I had no clue about fiat and was just in my 9 to 5 and to broke and to busy at the same time to understand the importance of digital money... but I was good in math and really tried to understand the maths and also I didn't master all in detail, I thought what a brilliant shit it is. The internet had just started to be a thing besides porn and napster with the help of an iphone :) but things like trading equities still seemed to be an elite thing to me in general...

Rolling rolling rolling the 9 to 5. Still busy but not broke anymore I had the chance to buy a flat, other broskis (lost contact to neighbor, he was dismissing people for McKinzey meanwhile, yap best in class, tolded ya) said things like bitcoin can be a thing, thought about it, and also if I was a very newspaper finance interested guy, I have to admit I still didn't see the need of digital money. Also I had to search for the flat for two years, so it was no brainer I put all my money into my own flat...

Seeing this btc shit all the time in the newspapers and the easy entrance you could get on mobiles I started playing with crypto as I calculated the wins of the 2017 guy who bought btc vs me buying a flat. I used a whole lot of money and have almost paid my flat. Him, thinking of building own house, buying a porsche...
So I made my trade republic entry by having almost no clue about anything, buying some stuff but wasn’t happy with the opportunities (coins) and got a kraken account. After 2 months, again not happy, to binance...
At the end of the year I was completely convinced that crypto is the only valuable thing to me, and I held a bag of a dozen coins that convinced me with their purpose punchlines. Shit like sol, link, avax, mina, cartesi, compound... I had a basic idea about every available kraken coin at that time.

My research slowly changed from newspapers to cryptotwitter and the lack of information coming from the casual media was mindblowing...
Watched a lot youtube vids about everything, some were pointing out what a crap fiat is, and what the banks and govs are doing and that it is like giving you inflation, taking all available rewards and this is only the disclosed shady stuff.

So basically I was doin things in crypto to get rich for half a year, before I understood that crypto is the answer to all problems that people in powerhood do to us and that it is the only thing that is able to help people, who rely on more fucked fiat environments, than the one I am in all my life (rich European)

Switched completely and only to luna. What started as a diversify dca (dollar cost average) nightmare of a dozen coins in the bear, turned quick to a luna (main) and avax, astro (lp sideplay) bag until... whoever decided to misbalance a luna stable pool.
I still was a super noob with the complete wrong bubble on twitter, who still happily opened his liqudity stable pools one after another to buy at 40, 20, 5, 1, 0.4 or such, I wasn't even caught in staking, it always scared me to be bound 2 weeks, after an osmo pool rugged me with his unbound process. So I somehow thought that the death spiral will end and 1 ust is somehow always still 1 luna and it is the opportunity of my life, until they started adding zeros :)
I had started my first buys short before the bear. I was so happy that I almost managed to keep my networth until may 22, but I was left with only 300 bucks worth of wavax then.

The End

You see after praising crypto and my favourite coin, the article ends how I started my journey with a big loss!

Stay safe.

Thank you for reading, welcome to the cypherpunk mindset instead the degen (degenerated) memecoin like point of view about Crypto ❤

Nice tweet about all links: https://twitter.com/CryptoGoru_/status/1725484773307560366?t=nowvZEaOP497IdC7GQ0OtA&s=19

For technical Kujira deep dives please check the twitter of

For video guides, this guy also explains the apps in other vids: https://youtu.be/d4FNZ1C191Y?feature=shared

On https://defillama.com/chains we are on place 34 in TVL (total value locked) by the way.

This is the metric that is maybe more important than pa and market capital, because it is like real users vs market gamblers…

