How To Live A Healthy Lifestyle

Fabian Ramirez
3 min readJan 5, 2017


Your health matters. It is a very important contributing factor to self-development & personal growth. I noticed that if i live a life filled with good healthy habits, I am a lot happier. I want to give you several tips on how to develop a healthy lifestyle. Follow these tips below to achieve it.

Get enough sleep

If you want to live a healthier life, sleep is crucial for optimal performance. Not just enough sleep but optimal sleep. In order for you to get good sleep, you have to make sure you do a few things.

  • Make your room pitch black
  • Avoid any screens at least 90 min before you go to bed.
  • Take away the coffee after 2pm
  • Have a sleep curfew

I noticed that when I do all of these things my sleep improves. My life improves when I sleep better, and I function way better.

Eat Good foods for you

Healthy foods will help your cognitive abilities. It will also help you with your energy. Eating nuts is a perfect example here are a few reasons why you should eat a variety of different nuts.

  • Cashews helps lower your cholesterol, helps improve your memory and lowers your likelihood of developing cancer
  • Almonds help with a variety of things such as lowering cholesterol, powerful antioxidant, and a really good thing to maintain a healthy heart.
  • Pistachios are super good for your heart as well, weight management, & age related illnesses.

These are Just a small portion of good things for you. Take sometime to research some good foods for your diet today.

Set your priorities in life and live them

I believe an important thing that you should do is to know what your priorities are in life and work on the first things first. Always do what is the most important first, so you can improve your lifestyle.

A lot of times we arrange our priorities in the wrong way. If you know your values in life, it will be a lot easier for you to live a life of success and comfort. Set your priorities in the right order.

Know your triggers

Knowing what triggers you to make and action and when to give up is important. It is fundamental for you to find out what will help your life. Do you know of anything in your life that is keeping you from receiving a breakthrough? If so eliminate it from your life, and set yourself up for success. Know that triggers that also help you and maximize those things as much as possible.

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Fabian Ramirez

I am the owner and CEO of I seek to inspire others, & motivate others to become better.