5 Reasons why you need to make a Game Design Document in modern game development.

Fabio Vessillo
5 min readJan 20, 2023


Let’s be honest; writing documentation can be the most boring thing about game design and development.

Modern game development is usually fast and needs rapid responses and early problem-solving. Following this path, the GDD usually steps behind because it needs time to update and to be generated.

Documentation, as a matter of fact, needs to evolve following the changes in development scenarios. An agile approach to producing the GDD can solve most of the boring parts, and this takes us to today’s question: why, as developers, should we still consider making a GDD in modern game development?

The GDD is often considered something from the past, documentation that becomes old the moment the game goes into production. But, in reality, it has evolved to become something of a compass for game creation, and in this article, I’ll explain why you should consider making one for your next game.

Let’s dive deep into my 5 reasons why you should keep generating (and updating) your GDD!

1. Establish a clear vision by making it…visual

Wireframing for Reapers Day Off a game I developed with my team: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1622800202

Establishing a distinct vision for your game begins with the GDD. First, it describes the game’s central theme, rules, and other vital components. This directs the team and maintains their focus on the project’s objectives.

One key to success in establishing vision is making the content inside visual. The GDD does miracles in this: schemes, sketches, and prototypes… it contains it all, and with all of this, an intricate UI can be easily explained with arrows and few words, oh the magic of game development.

2. Communication and collaboration: Mission Complete

Yes they have read the GDD and ready to work: mission complete

Remember that specific mechanic that happens when you step on a turtle enemy, which leads to that gauge, and… ok, maybe you do remember that but trust me, 99% of the team members won’t. When we talk about Game development, being on the same page every time without having to refresh one’s memory or even argue about a thing is a blessing.

The development team’s ability to communicate and work together often depends on the GDD. It describes the game’s features and functioning and ensures that everyone on the team is aware of every aspect of its creation. This enhances teamwork and communication, which is essential for upholding a regular schedule and preventing confusion.

Now go tell your designers that we all decided not to implement that duck with the hat in the final release, or let them discover it by reading the GDD, your choice!

3. Identifying issues? Not an issue anymore

oh nothing beats the fresh smell of an error, what about blocking them from the beginning?

During the realization of the GDD, a lot of things are taken note of: for example, the target platform, 3rd party tools, a specific mechanic; it could be anything.

In this situation, a GDD enables the development team to foresee and address potential issues. It helps to prevent unwanted or impossible tasks from being included in the game by spotting potential problems early on.

And that’s the story about how my team realized that implementing 600 fps full ultra super HD in our game was totally out of budget.

4. An ace up your sleeve for stakeholders and community

GDD: the Documentation you need for a fast and effective communication with the stakeholders

The GDD acts as a communication channel between the team and the stakeholders. In addition, the GDD can be used to obtain funding and assistance due to the vast amount of information offered on the project and its advancement.

Additionally, The developing team can also use it to communicate with the community to give them a better understanding of your game development process and the features that you will include in the final product.

With this, you can collect feedback early on or use the GDD as a base for a crowdfunding launch.

Thank you, community. Following up on our poll, we will substitute our final boss with a skeleton armed with a trumpet.

5. Facilitates project manager’s life, one task at the time

Task generation done easy

Last but not least, the GDD is a project manager’s best friend. It helps to ensure that all aspects of the game’s development are aligned with the defined vision and goals.

In addition, this helps to keep the project on schedule and within budget.

Moreover, it gives a strong guide on defining and assigning tasks to the team while acting as a walking (not for real) documentation.

So next time you want to make your project manager happy, don’t offer a coffee.

Instead, simply update your assigned part of the GDD.

EXTRA. When adding an extra seat seems hard

Having a new team member join in the early, middle, or even late stage of development it’s not a rare thing to happen, especially in agile game development realities when a needing for a specific person with a particular skill comes into play.

The GDD comes to the rescue! Just handle the document to the newcomer, and now you have an exhaustively prepared and ready-to-work member.

Welcome aboard (and don’t forget to update the documentation).

Still have doubts?

Those were 5 (and plus) reasons why a Game Design Document (GDD) is an essential resource for game development even in a modern time.

It serves as a blueprint, helps to organize and simplify the development process, identifies and aids in resolving technical issues, supports task output and assignment and even serves as a communication tool.

Crafting and updating your GDD helps the development process by making it organized, visual and easily manageable.

Ok now what?

Do you really need more reasons to start and make your own GDD? Coming soon on my profile, you’ll find a comprehensive guide on moving your first steps to creating a GDD that adapts to your Game Developer need! Follow me to not lose the chance to take a look at it.



Fabio Vessillo

Project Manager - Game Designer - iOS Developer- Apple Developer Academy Alumni.