From ChatGPT to Policy: Exploring the 1996 Telecommunications Act and its Impact on Cryptoassets

Fabio Federici
4 min readFeb 13, 2023


Disclaimer: This article was created with the assistance of OpenAI’s language model, ChatGPT. The information provided may not be exhaustive and is not intended as legal or financial advice.

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 is a landmark U.S. federal law that overhauled the country's communications laws and regulations, including regulating television and radio broadcasting, cable television, and wire communications. The act aimed to promote competition in the telecommunication industry and encourage the rapid deployment of advanced telecommunications technologies.

Here are some key highlights of the act:

  • Deregulation: The act aimed to promote competition by deregulating large portions of the telecommunications industry, including the telephone and cable television industries.
  • Universal Service: The act established the Universal Service Fund, which provides subsidies to ensure that all Americans have access to telecommunication services, including those in rural or low-income areas.
  • Broadcast Ownership Limits: The act relaxed some ownership restrictions on radio and television broadcasters, allowing for greater industry ownership consolidation.
  • Cable TV Regulations: The act also imposed new regulations on cable television companies, including requirements for the carriage of local broadcast stations and public access channels.
  • Interconnection Requirements: The act mandated that local and long-distance telephone companies must interconnect with each other, making it easier for consumers to switch providers and access long-distance service.
  • Advancements in Technology: The act aimed to encourage the developing and deploying advanced telecommunications technologies, such as the Internet and broadband services, by removing regulatory barriers and promoting competition.

In addition to the Telecommunications Act of 1996, several other laws and initiatives have significantly accelerated the development and adoption of the Internet in the United States. Some of these include:

  • The National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET): This was a high-speed data network developed by the National Science Foundation in the 1980s and 1990s to support research and education. It played a crucial role in the Internet's early development and helped lay the foundation for its widespread adoption.
  • The High-Performance Computing and Communications Act of 1991: This act provided funding for research and development in high-performance computing and networking, including the Internet. It helped support the growth of the Internet by funding the development of new technologies and applications.
  • The Commercial Internet eXchange (CIX): This was a key interconnection point for Internet service providers (ISPs) in the 1990s and helped to increase the availability and accessibility of the Internet by enabling ISPs to exchange traffic with each other.
  • The e-Rate Program: This is a program created by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under the Telecommunications Act of 1996 to provide funding for schools and libraries to connect to the Internet. The e-Rate program has helped increase access to the Internet for students and educators and has played a critical role in bridging the “digital divide” between urban and rural areas.
  • The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of 1998: This law provides copyright protection for digital works and was important in promoting the growth of the Internet by creating a legal framework for digital content distribution.

Each of these laws and initiatives had far-reaching effects on the telecommunications industry and significantly impacted the development and adoption of the Internet in the United States. They continue to shape the sector’s development to this day.

I asked ChatGPT for six potential laws or initiatives that could accelerate the development and adoption of the cryptoasset industry:

  • Cryptoasset Investment Incentive Act: Provide tax incentives for individuals and businesses that invest in cryptoassets and blockchain technology. This could encourage investment and help support the growth of the industry.
  • Cryptoasset Exchange Regulation and Protection Act: Establish clear regulatory standards for cryptoasset exchanges and ensure that they have strong security and anti-money laundering measures in place. This would help build trust in the industry and reduce the risk of fraud and financial crime.
  • Blockchain Technology Research and Development Act: Provide funding for public research and development in blockchain technology. This could help drive innovation in the industry and lead to new and improved applications for cryptoassets.
  • Interoperable Cryptoasset Platforms Act: Establish standards for interoperability between different cryptoasset platforms and ensure that they can communicate with each other. This would make it easier for users to move their funds between platforms and increase the industry's overall functionality.
  • Public Education and Awareness of Cryptoassets Act: Launch public education and awareness campaigns to help individuals and businesses understand cryptoassets and their potential uses. This would help increase the adoption of the technology and reduce fear or mistrust of it.
  • Consumer Protection for Cryptoasset Holders Act: Provide legal protections for individuals and businesses that hold cryptoassets, including protection from theft, fraud, or loss of funds. This would help build trust in the industry and encourage greater adoption of cryptoassets.
  • Stablecoin Stability and Regulation Act: Establish clear regulatory standards for stablecoins and ensure that they are backed by a reliable reserve of assets. This would help build trust in the industry and increase stability in the value of stablecoins, making them more attractive to users and businesses as a medium of exchange.

Each of these suggestions can potentially accelerate the development and adoption of the cryptoasset industry significantly and could help shape the sector's future.

In conclusion, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the related laws and initiatives mentioned have played a crucial role in shaping the development of the telecommunication and internet industries in the United States. The proposed suggestions for cryptoassets similarly aim to encourage growth and adoption of the industry by promoting competition, regulating the industry, funding research and development, and providing consumer protection. The successful implementation of these initiatives can help build trust in the cryptoassets industry and contribute to its continued growth and development in the future.

