SharePoint Saturday Chennai 2018

Fabio Franzini
2 min readJul 11, 2018


On February 25, 2018 I had the pleasure to participate in the very first SharePoint Saturday in India that was hosted in Chennai.

Fabio Franzini — SharePoint Saturday Chennai 2018

During the event I helped Stefano Tempesta during the Keynote talking and doing some demos of SharePoint PnP.

Next I did my session “Introduction to SharePoint Framework “ by showing people present how to approach the “Modern “ Development on SharePoint, what tools to use and showing some demos about the development of WebParts.

Introduction to SharePoint Framework (SPFx)

Thanks to this Conference I met many people that I normally follow on Twitter, as Dipti Chhatrapati, Vignesh Ganesan, Kirti Prajapati, Nakkeeran Natarajan and of course all the other speakers present.

Speakers photo with Jeff Teper

For me it was the first trip to India and it was great.

In fact I was able to visit very little as for me it was a real touch and escape, I arrived on Saturday morning and then start again in the evening, that is the day of the event.

The reason is that a few days later I would have left for Seattle to attend MVP Summit 2018.

Here are some photos that I will always take with me of this short but intense trip to India!



Fabio Franzini

Office Development MVP, One of Top 25 SharePoint Influencers in Europe for 2018 and Microsoft Web Stack lover. Senior Consultant, Software Engineer & Trainer.