SharePoint Saturday Zurich 2018

Fabio Franzini
2 min readJul 12, 2018


It was a real surprise for my participation as a speaker for this SharePoint Saturday.

I had come to make a Weekend in Zurich to find my friend Emanuele Bartolesi and so I decided to participate in SharePoint Saturday, at Kraftwert Impact Hub Zurich, already that I was there.

Kraftwert Impact Hub Zurich

A speaker could not participate and then the organizers asked me if I could prepare a session on the fly, ready!

Introduction to SPFx

I talked about “Introduction to SPFx”, preparing the session on the fly reusing in part the slides of the event in Chennai and in part using the material on GitHub related to the repository “Training Content” of OfficeDev, it’s very cool!

Always a nice way to meet old friends and make new ones and I thanks the organizers for giving me the opportunity to participate!



Fabio Franzini

Office Development MVP, One of Top 25 SharePoint Influencers in Europe for 2018 and Microsoft Web Stack lover. Senior Consultant, Software Engineer & Trainer.