Eliminate Limiting Beliefs and Create Empowering Ones

Fabio Strässle
5 min readDec 15, 2019
Photo by Christopher Windus on Unsplash

What is the biggest determinator of success in life?

Is it growing up in the right neighborhood? Going to the right school? Having parents with money? Luck?

I don’t think so. The biggest determinator are the beliefs you hold. More precisely, what do you belief is true about the world and yourself. Everything else, money, education, geography goes out the window if your beliefs aren’t right.

You might ask: What about your environment shaping and determining your beliefs? And its true, circumstances definitely play a role. Growing up we look at people around us, especially our parents, to determine what we should belief and think. The same is true for our predispositions. Our genes also largely influence what kind of person we are. However, our brain is incredibly malleable, and we can change the way we think and act to a huge extent, if done right.

So why are beliefs so important? Because they determine how we see the world. The resulting perspective determines how we act and what decisions we make, which finally leads to either good or bad outcomes. Two people experiencing the same obstacle, one considers it a challenge the other as a nuisance. It is not hard to imagine which one of the two will be more motivated and successful in surmounting…



Fabio Strässle

Extroverted intuitive by nature, analytical introvert by training. If something fascinates me I dive in and learn about it. https://www.fabiostrassle.me/