Fabrice Catan
Fabrice Catan

My career in entrepreneurship My personal demon: always learn more! In 1997, I obtained a BTS in electronics and I became a technician at France Telecom. Almost immediately, a demon takes possession of me: that of learning. He never left me! The questions of the clients I deal with, the engineers, are beyond me. What if not… go back to school? For four years (1999-2003), I took evening classes at the CNAM (National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts) while working full time. This allows me to get a DEST and a Master in Computer Science. To begin. Because, for my personal demon, this is not enough. As part of the creation of my company (I'll tell you about it right after), I keep going for two years and I spend a Master in Business Administration. Entrepreneurship experience At the start of my career, in 2003, a major social plan intervened at Cable & Wireless, the English telecom operator for which I work. I then decided to get started and create my first company. My goal: never to experience a layoff again. But also be my own boss and gain financial independence. At the time, I did not yet have the experience that I will subsequently acquire in the management of large entrepreneurial projects. My project is not very clear. I approach without any basic strategy, on the phone, at exhibitions, during meetings ... without success, as you can imagine! Desperate, I even use a marketing company that just takes the business directory. A real disaster! Feeling of failure, morale at zero, bad mood, fixed ideas, worries and entrepreneur stress… Lead me straight to the cessation of activity, two years later. My demon, who is a good guy, makes me understand that I have not trained well enough and that I lacked support. Entrepreneurship can be learned. I return to the salaried position. And, as I want to understand and dominate the subject, I continue to train myself and gain in entrepreneurial skills. As Gandhi says, “One step at a time is enough for me. " My career in business management I acquire my skills through training and in the field. For fifteen years, I initiate and I pilot many large-scale entrepreneurial projects for various telecom operators, national and international (9telecom, SFR, Huawei). I then manage annual budgets of up to 15 million euros and teams of around 40 people. So I find myself at the head of real small businesses, since I take care of: of business plan and monitoring indicators ; of budget and planning ; of contracts ; of the relationship with customers and partners ; teams, therefore management. I negotiates prices, I defined strategies, I guide collaborators and employees to obtain customer satisfaction. As much to say to you that my demon of learning is satisfied! I develop a great technical expertise in business management and management, which I now share with my clients as a business coach for entrepreneurs. I know what are the three major roles of a company manager, since I assumed them: the strategic part : make the right decisions and implement the right procedures; the commercial part : communicate and sell; the administrative part : manage the operation of the company. I am also aware of something else. The strategic methods applied in large groups are powerful tools. They can be adapted to small structures to help them develop. While keeping the essential of what makes sense to me: the connection to the human. My vision as a business coach for an entrepreneur Ethical entrepreneurship During my career in large groups, little by little, I felt disconnected from the performance objectives that were asked of me. They left no room for humans. Gold, it's the human that interests me. I am convinced of the potential of each and every one. We are much more efficient when we fully integrate the individual at the center of the quality-cost-delay triangle. The ethics is not an option or a pretty marketing showcase. It is the future of the company. People do best when they collaborate. However, in order to work well with others, you must first enjoy working with yourself. This is why I have also developed a passion for personal development. Personal development in entrepreneurship I discovered the personal development in 2008. Immediately, I was passionated. The personal development is essential in the creation and business development… Fulfilled. How can you be successful if you don't feel good about yourself? If you don't know your limits? What if what we're doing doesn't make sense to us? If we have the impression of sacrifice all your time to your business ? To know all that, you have to be able to take a step back, which is not easy, you know it just like me. This is also why we often need an outside perspective in this essential step. It is about developing a entrepreneur mindset. During all these years my learning demon has driven me to do training related to personal development. And I never stopped. In 2021, I am preparing a sophrologist training to bring another dimension to my entrepreneurial support. From mentoring to entrepreneurship coaching When I experienced my failure as a young entrepreneur, I clicked. It is not a good idea to go into entrepreneurship on your own. It requires skills and objectivity that we don't always have as a leader. This is why it is important to to be accompanied and advised, step by step. Throughout my career, thanks to my passion for people and the expertise that I developed every day, I found myself in mentor situation on many occasions. This is how I acquired new skills in support for executives and entrepreneurs. Skills that I validated and enriched with a professional certification in coaching. This way, I can bring even more results to the people I support. I own a certification from the Haute École de Coaching (Paris) and I am a member of ICF. My strengths as a business coach for entrepreneurs: my thirsty to learn, which allows me to bring the best to my clients; my human interest, my kindness and my empathy; my technical skills and expertise in entrepreneurship (over 16,000 hours to learn, apply and improve entrepreneurial management processes!).

Fabrice Catan

Fabrice Catan

Business Coach. I Help entrepreneurs to understand and remove the blockages they face. Support them in defining the relevant action plan to reach their goal.