FabYOUlicious - Fab
FabYOUlicious - Fab


I’m Dr. Fabienne Slama (AKA Fab), the founder of FabYOUlicious.

Transformation Coach and Un-hypnotist, I awaken magical humans from the big lie that they are too much or not enough. We play on the subconscious level, healing family traumas, past lives and reparenting inner children. My goal is to help you remember the fabulous, limitless, confident sparkle of joy that you are, so you can enjoy wonderful relationships with Yourself, Others and the Universe and thrive at home and work.

My totem animal is the giraffe🦒. Tall like me - I'm 5'10 and the tallest in my family. Seeing things from a different angle, like me - I'm very good at sensing the big picture and putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Loving... like me - Gentle, but be careful, I protect those I love and can be strong when need be.

I believe in the power of reinvention and am a self-described Renaissance Woman.

As a kid, I told I was "high potential" and graduated from high school at age 16. From there, I went to college and came out with a PhD in Biochemistry and a Master’s in Marketing. My first job was to explain the role of nuclear energy in the biotech world. Pretty left brain 🤪.

I moved from France to California in 1996 with my husband and 1.5 kids (#2 was born five months after arrival). Being in creative mode, I started sculpting fierce and sensual women in clay, concrete and bronze and got to exhibit all over the world, acknowledging the power of my right brain 🤪.

When my husband of twenty year filed for divorce in 2012, I thought I would never find happiness again. One night, as I was considering swallowing enough pain killers to end my life, I heard this voice asking me: "Don't you want to know the end of the story?" I knew that if I were taking those pills, my book of life would be closed. So I flushed the pills, and started a new adventure from Stuck and heartbroken to fierce and Unstoppable.

Stuck to Unstoppable... ... is the fabulous journey I'm taking you on. A journey of dark shadows and delicious moments. A journey of resilience and reinvention. A journey where it's not always about seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but more about realizing that there is a beautiful light inside of you. This light was here the moment you were created; and probably before. It's here to guide you, encourage you, and celebrate every step you take on this Earth.

Today, my world is bright and open. My kids are grown up and I have a wonderful grandson. I share my life with a man who is the opposite of all the men I have dated in the past. A kind, honest, selfless man - and yes it can be challenging in way I never expected. I travel the world and help people from everywhere heal and find happiness.

Every day, I create something new: an experience, a drawing, a text, a video... Every day, I make two commitments: to be Happy and Kind. Most of the days, I'm successful. And on the days I'm not, I realize it's a journey, and I still have so much to learn. So, I decide to be kind to myself, at that makes me happy 😃

This is my story, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have been living it. If it resonated with you, click on follow and join me in this journey. I promise it will be FabYOUlicious.

Medium member since November 2018
Connect with FabYOUlicious - Fab
FabYOUlicious - Fab

FabYOUlicious - Fab

Emotional Epigenetics | Trauma & Relationship Healing. Intergeneration, Past life, Inner-Child. Rewire your DNA. Manifest Joy & Love | @fabyoulicious.com