The Spreadsheet Revolution Begins


For 35 years, the spreadsheet has reigned as the number one tool used by businesses all over the world. It’s importance cannot be understated as even Microsoft’s spreadsheet enjoys more than 500 million users today. However, for how amazing this tool has been,

the spreadsheet is now the biggest bottleneck to business productivity.

Companies are constantly battling old information and taking actionable decisions off of what is typically the wrong information. During an era when businesses understand the benefits of real time information and the importance of split second reactions, the spreadsheet is now holding everybody back.

For more than two years, my co-founder and I wrestled with the idea of creating innovative solutions that made users more creative and productive. The democratization of code movement was awakening and we believed that enabling non-programmers to create original solutions was the best way that we would positively impact the world.

We didn’t realize it back then, but our continuous testing of all of our theories would send us to a path that could push us to revolutionize how all businesses run.

As the co-founding team entered the Boomtown Boulder accelerator, we pushed and pushed until we found the answer we had spent over two years searching. The answer wasn’t in teaching users to think differently, it was about leveraging their existing knowledge and showing them how to obtain better value from that knowledge.

This core idea would grow and have significant ripple effects as to how we would develop and architect our technology and ultimately affect the vision for our company. With this simple idea, came a massive business opportunity.

Factivate is a cloud-based spreadsheet for employees who want to have real time information and just-in-time reactions. We enable all our business users to create spreadsheets that quickly become workflow tools, business process tools, CRMs, ERPs, online dashboards, mobile apps, and more. view

With Factivate, we’re able to save an employee more than 1.5 months worth of manual work per year by automating and structuring spreadsheet import processes. At the same time, we manage to save employees, companies, and shareholders hundreds of thousands of dollars by making sure they never miss any opportunities in their data through our system of actions that react to changes in spreadsheet information within micro-seconds.

These are just a few of the benefits that our Factivate users have already experienced and we cannot wait to show you how the rest of our vision will impact businesses everywhere. Today, Factivate is far from finished but we continue to be thrilled when we see the positive feedback that has come our way. There will be some bumps along the way and we don’t necessarily have all of the features that we would like. However, for all of you spreadsheet users who are sick of relying on spreadsheets with errors, old information, and stale data, we cannot wait for you to try it out and fall in love with our Factivate spreadsheet.

Today, we are working with selected companies but continue to expand to more users. If you’re interested in seeing this amazing platform, please sign up through our Beta signup page today:



Disruptive Marketing Intelligence Solutions

We help marketers learn how to focus on the right data points in today’s noisy and chaotic big data world. #marketingjunkies #datanerds @Factivate