Facts Matters
Facts Matters

Is there really an "epidemic" of white racist police officers gunning down unarmed black men in this country? Would cities burn and livelihoods be destroyed if the truth were known? It is indeed knowable. Why won't the media report it? The data exists and it is not easy to discuss. But avoiding the conversation any longer will only allow those who are promoting the narrative to turn it into something it was never meant to be. Marxism works and we are seeing it play out in real time. 39% of Americans under 35 feel it's a good idea to try communism. Will they get to experience it? History is 100% accurate. And we are repeating it. Sitting on the couch is no longer an option. We must speak out. The left has gone from the party of slavery, the KKK and Jim Crow to the party of welfare slavery. They have used black people as pawns for two many decades now. It is quit telling that the republican candidate received the most black votes in history under a sitting supposedly racist president. Black people are finally realizing the democrats of given them nothing but a lifetime sentence to total dependence on their big government. Modern day slavery. As illegals are being allowed to cross the border in droves, their will reach a time when democrats will no longer need the black vote to retain power. They will have their next group of pawns for decades to come. It is a sickness. And it is sad. The truth must be shouted from the rooftops. And we will do it here. case by case. Facts only. We welcome any debate on posted data and will remove anything proven to be false. #FactsMatter

Facts Matters

Facts Matters

A dossier of sorts- the actual evidence, not the trial by media hype regarding the alleged narrative of BLM regarding our systemic racist police.