The Big Deal About Rust: Why Companies Love It

Fadel Pamungkas
3 min readMay 24, 2023


If you’ve been keeping an eye on the programming world, you’ve probably heard some chatter about a language called Rust. It’s been popping up everywhere, from tech blogs to developer forums, and it’s been catching the attention of both individual developers and big-name companies.

Rust is like the new kid on the block who’s quickly become the talk of the town. It’s got this unique blend of features that make it stand out from the crowd. But what’s the real story behind Rust’s rise to fame? And why are so many people jumping on the Rust bandwagon?

Well, grab a cup of coffee (or tea, if that’s your thing), sit back, and let’s unravel the mystery of Rust’s popularity together. We’ll dive into the top reasons why Rust is winning hearts in the tech world and why you might want to give it a look too. Ready? Let’s get started!

It’s Safe and Fast

First off, Rust is super focused on keeping things safe and speedy. It’s got this built-in system that helps catch mistakes before the code even runs. So, it’s like having a safety net while you’re coding. Plus, it’s as fast as the big boys like C and C++, which means it’s great for building software that needs to run quickly and efficiently.

Plays Well with Others

Another cool thing about Rust is that it can work with other languages. It’s like the friendly neighbor of programming languages. It can work with C, which means you can use all the good stuff from C while still getting the benefits of Rust. This makes Rust a great choice if you’re looking to spruce up your code without starting from scratch.

Reliable and Easy to Use

Rust also scores big in the reliability department. It’s got this strong typing and ownership model that helps make sure your code will do what it’s supposed to do. And when it comes to getting stuff done, Rust has got your back. It’s got a package manager called Cargo that makes managing your projects a breeze, and the error messages it gives are actually helpful. Plus, there’s a ton of libraries you can use to add functionality to your projects.

Awesome Community and Crates

Last but not least, the Rust community is pretty awesome. It’s known for being welcoming and inclusive, which makes learning and using Rust a lot more fun. Plus, there’s a ton of libraries, known as “crates,” that you can use to add functionality to your projects. Here are a few popular ones:

  1. Serde: This is one of the most popular crates in Rust. It’s super useful for serializing and deserializing data, making it easier to work with JSON, XML, and other data formats.
  2. Tokio: This is a runtime for writing reliable, asynchronous applications with the Rust programming language. It’s great for network applications.
  3. Axum: This is a web application framework that focuses on ergonomics and modularity. It makes it easy to build reliable and efficient web applications in Rust.
  4. Tracing: This is a framework for instrumenting Rust programs to collect structured, event-based diagnostic information. This can be incredibly helpful for debugging and understanding complex systems.

And it’s not just small companies using Rust. Big tech companies like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are starting to use Rust more and more. So, you’ll be in good company.

So, there you have it. Rust is safe, fast, friendly, reliable, and has a great community. More and more companies are starting to see the benefits of using Rust, and it’s set to become even more popular. Whether you’re a developer looking to pick up a new language, or a company thinking about your tech options, Rust is definitely worth checking out.

