Best Telescopes Under $200 In 2024 (Bought & Tested)

Edgar Lopez
13 min readMar 28, 2024


When I embarked on the journey to find the best telescopes under $200, I knew that optical quality was paramount. It’s not just about magnification; the clarity and crispness of the image are what make stargazing truly mesmerizing. Here’s what I considered most:

  • Aperture size: A larger aperture allows more light to enter, which is crucial for viewing faint objects.
  • Portability: Depending on your lifestyle, a compact and easy-to-transport telescope might be your priority.
  • Ease of setup: I looked for telescopes that are user-friendly, especially for beginners.
  • Included accessories: Adequate eyepieces and a sturdy tripod can greatly enhance your viewing experience.

I also paid close attention to the reliability and accuracy of computerized and motorized mounts, as these features can significantly affect your stargazing sessions.

It’s essential to remember that a telescope is an investment in your curiosity about the universe. Whether you’re a seasoned astronomer or just starting out, the right telescope can make all the difference. I’ve sifted through countless options, keeping in mind that you might want to expand your celestial explorations with additional kits or accessories in the future.

Top Contenders and Their Features

As I delve into the world of stargazing, I’ve come across a variety of telescopes that promise to unlock the wonders of the cosmos without breaking the bank. Finding the right telescope is a journey of its own, and I’m here to share the insights from my quest.

  • The Sky-Watcher Skymax 150 PRO is a standout for its exceptional optical quality, making it a top pick for astrophotographers. Its ability to capture distant nebulas and galaxies without distortion is truly impressive.
  • For those seeking a smart telescope, the Meade Instruments — Polaris 114mm Aperture offers modern convenience with its app integration, although it’s worth noting that it becomes less functional without the app.
  • If portability is a priority, there’s a telescope that’s been praised for its ease of travel, perfect for dark sky adventures and camping trips. It’s also a great choice for beginners who are just starting to explore the moon and planets.

In the realm of amateur astronomy, the balance between cost and quality is crucial. While some telescopes may not boast a premium finish, they compensate with features like go-to technology that’s great for beginners and portability for the nomadic astronomer.

Each telescope has its own set of pros and cons, from battery life to the quality of the focuser. It’s essential to weigh these against your personal needs, whether you’re a beginner looking for simplicity or an enthusiast in pursuit of top-quality optics.


Where to Find the Best Deals?

Scouring the market for the best telescope deals can be as exciting as stargazing itself. I’ve compiled a list of tips to help you snag the best bargains on quality telescopes. First, always check for deals on reputable retailer websites; like Amazon they often offer discounts on various models throughout the year. Keep an eye on special sales events like Black Friday or Cyber Monday, which can provide significant savings.

  • Visit brand-specific guides for Celestron, Skywatcher, Meade, and Orion to find deals tailored to your favorite brand.
  • Retailers like Best Buy also offer a selection of telescopes, often with helpful buying guides.
  • Consider purchasing during off-peak seasons when demand is lower, potentially leading to better deals.

Remember, it’s not just about the price tag. The best deal is one that offers a good balance between cost and quality.

Lastly, don’t forget to explore online forums and astronomy communities. Fellow enthusiasts often share the latest deals and discounts, which can lead you to some unexpected finds. Just make sure to verify the credibility of the source before making a purchase.

Setting Up Your New Telescope

Step-by-Step Assembly Guide

Assembling your new telescope is an exciting step towards exploring the vastness of space from your backyard. Before you begin, ensure you have a clear workspace and all the necessary components at hand. Start by setting up the tripod or mount, which will serve as the stable base for your stargazing adventures.

Next, attach the optical tube assembly (OTA) to the mount, making sure it’s securely fastened. This is where precision is key; take your time to align everything properly. Once the OTA is in place, you can then add the finderscope and eyepieces. Remember, the finderscope is your guiding star to navigating the celestial sphere, so align it with care.

The joy of your first celestial sighting through your newly assembled telescope is unmatched. Take a moment to appreciate the engineering marvel in your hands.

Finally, if your telescope is computerized or motorized, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to set up the software or hardware. This might include aligning the telescope with known stars or configuring settings on a companion app. With everything in place, you’re almost ready to embark on your cosmic journey.

Aligning Your Telescope for Optimal Viewing

Once you’ve assembled your telescope, the next crucial step is to align it for the best possible viewing experience. Proper alignment is key to unlocking the wonders of the cosmos. Start by choosing a clear night and a location with minimal light pollution. Here’s a simple guide to get you started:

  1. Begin by leveling your tripod and ensuring that your telescope is stable.
  2. Use your finder scope to center a well-known star or planet.
  3. Look through the eyepiece and adjust the telescope until the object is in the center of your view.
  4. If your telescope has a computerized mount, follow the instructions for its alignment procedure, which may involve centering multiple stars in your view.

Remember, patience is your ally. Take your time to fine-tune the alignment, as this will greatly enhance the clarity and detail of the objects you observe.

Once aligned, exploring the night sky becomes a seamless adventure. Whether you’re gazing at planets or distant galaxies, the right alignment will ensure that you get the most out of your stargazing sessions. And if you’re considering astrophotography, a well-aligned telescope is the foundation for capturing those breathtaking celestial shots.

Maintenance and Care Tips

Maintaining your telescope is crucial to ensure a long-lasting and enjoyable stargazing experience. Regular care will keep your telescope in top condition, allowing you to enjoy clear and crisp views of the cosmos. Here are some essential maintenance tips:

  • Always handle your telescope’s optics with care. As advised by Explore Scientific, it’s best to clean the optics as sparingly as possible to avoid the risk of scratching.
  • For Newtonian reflector telescopes, periodic alignment of the mirrors is necessary to ensure proper light reflection. Additionally, protect your mirrors with a coating to extend their lifespan.
  • Invest in a retractable dew shield to protect your telescope from moisture and enhance portability.

Remember, the less you have to tinker with your telescope’s components, the better. Gentle cleaning and careful handling are the keys to preserving your telescope’s capabilities.

By following these simple steps, you can keep your telescope functioning smoothly and continue to unveil the wonders of the night sky with clarity.

Navigating the Night Sky: A Beginner’s Guide

Understanding Telescope Specifications

When I first delved into the world of stargazing, I quickly realized that understanding telescope specifications is crucial for choosing the right equipment. Aperture size is the key to a telescope’s power, dictating how much light it can gather; the larger the aperture, the brighter and more detailed the image. Focal length, on the other hand, influences the magnification and field of view — a longer focal length means higher magnification but a narrower slice of the sky.

Here’s a quick rundown of the specs to keep an eye on:

  • Aperture: Determines light-gathering ability and detail resolution.
  • Focal Length: Affects magnification and field of view.
  • Mount Type: Stability and ease of tracking celestial objects.
  • Design: Refractor, reflector, and compound each have unique characteristics.

Remember, a telescope’s performance also depends on the quality of its optics and construction, not just on the numbers. It’s essential to balance the specifications with your observing interests and conditions.

I’ve learned that while a telescope’s specifications can be impressive on paper, real-world performance is influenced by many factors, including the quality of its components and the conditions under which it’s used. It’s important to read reviews and possibly test telescopes to find the one that truly meets your needs.

Tips for Identifying Celestial Objects

Embarking on the journey of stargazing can be as thrilling as it is educational. Knowing where to start is key to a rewarding experience. Begin by familiarizing yourself with the major constellations and the locations of planets in the night sky. A planisphere or a stargazing app can be invaluable tools for this purpose.

  • Start by locating the North Star, which is a constant in the northern sky and can help orient you.
  • Use a stargazing app to identify constellations and when planets will be visible.
  • Observe the moon’s phases and notice how its position changes, this can also help you find other celestial bodies.

Remember, patience is a virtue in astronomy. The more time you spend under the stars, the more familiar you will become with the night sky’s layout and the easier it will become to spot celestial objects.

As you gain confidence, you can move on to seeking out more elusive objects like galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters. Many beginner telescopes come with a ‘sky tour’ feature or an extensive database that can guide you to these fascinating sights. Don’t be discouraged if at first, the details seem fuzzy; even a glimpse of the craters on the moon can be a great starting point for beginners.

Recommended Astronomy Apps and Resources

In my quest to master the night sky, I’ve discovered a treasure trove of apps and resources that have been indispensable. The right app can transform your stargazing experience, providing you with a virtual guide to the cosmos at your fingertips. Here’s a quick rundown of some of the best tools I’ve found:

  • SkySafari 7 Pro: This app is a powerhouse for celestial navigation, offering an extensive database and realistic sky simulation.
  • PhotoPills: A must-have for astrophotographers, it help plan photo shoots with celestial events in mind.
  • Night Sky 11: Ideal for Apple users, it offers an immersive AR experience to explore the stars.
  • NASA app: Stay updated with the latest space news and stunning visuals from NASA’s missions.

Embracing these digital aids can significantly enhance your ability to locate and learn about various celestial bodies, making each stargazing session more rewarding.

Remember, while apps are incredibly helpful, there’s no substitute for the real, hands-on experience. Use them as a complement to your observations, and you’ll find yourself becoming more proficient in identifying constellations, planets, and deep-sky objects. Happy exploring!

Enhancing Your Stargazing Experience

Choosing the Right Accessories

Once you’ve got your telescope set up, the next step is to enhance your stargazing with the right accessories. Choosing the right accessories can significantly improve your viewing experience. Here’s a quick rundown of some essentials:

  • Optical Accessories: These include Barlows, focal extenders, diagonals, and various filters. Each serves a unique purpose, from increasing magnification to enhancing contrast.
  • Telescope Accessories: Don’t overlook the importance of a sturdy case, dew protection, and portable power solutions. These can extend the life of your telescope and allow for uninterrupted viewing sessions.
  • Astrophotography Gear: If you’re interested in capturing the cosmos, consider adapters and specialized eyepieces designed for connecting cameras to your telescope.

Remember, not every accessory is a must-have from the start. Begin with the basics, such as a couple of quality eyepieces and a reliable power source, and build your collection as your interest and skills grow.

It’s also worth noting that many telescopes come with a selection of accessories, like a red dot finderscope and star diagonal. However, as you delve deeper into astronomy, you’ll find that additional, specialized accessories can offer a more tailored and rewarding experience. Keep an eye out for star maps and flashlights designed for night use, as they can be incredibly helpful during your celestial explorations.

Introduction to Astrophotography

Astrophotography has captivated my imagination like nothing else. The ability to capture the night sky and its celestial wonders is truly mesmerizing. Choosing the right equipment is crucial for a successful foray into this hobby. Here’s a quick rundown to get you started:

  • Select a stable mount: A shaky mount can ruin your astrophotography experience. Opt for a sturdy mount that can handle the weight of your camera and telescope without wobbling.
  • Choose the right telescope: Not all telescopes are suitable for astrophotography. Look for one with a good focal length and aperture that matches your astrophotography goals.
  • Invest in a good camera: Whether it’s a specialized Astro camera or a DSLR, ensure it’s compatible with your telescope and can handle long exposure times.

Remember, patience and practice are your best allies. Start with simple shots of the moon and planets, and gradually move on to more challenging deep-sky objects.

As you delve deeper into astrophotography, you’ll learn to appreciate the nuances of capturing light from millions of miles away. It’s a journey that not only teaches you about the cosmos but also about the art of photography itself.

Joining Astronomy Communities

I’ve discovered that one of the most enriching aspects of stargazing is sharing the experience with others. Joining astronomy communities can significantly enhance your knowledge and enjoyment of the night sky. Here are a few steps to get you started:

  1. Look for local astronomy clubs or societies. These groups often host star parties, lectures, and other events where you can meet fellow enthusiasts.
  2. Participate in online forums and discussion boards. A great place to begin is the ‘Beginners Forum (No Astrophotography)’ on Cloudy Nights, which is tailored for new astronomers.
  3. Attend workshops or courses. Many organizations offer educational programs that can deepen your understanding of astronomy.
  4. Engage in social media groups. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter have numerous astronomy groups where you can ask questions and share experiences.

Embrace the journey of learning and discovery by connecting with others who share your passion. Remember, every expert was once a beginner, and the collective wisdom of a community can be invaluable.

By becoming an active member of these communities, you not only gain access to a wealth of knowledge but also the opportunity to contribute your own observations and insights. It’s a rewarding cycle that keeps the passion for astronomy alive.

The Future of Amateur Astronomy

Emerging Technologies in Telescopes

As I delve deeper into the world of amateur astronomy, I’m constantly amazed by the emerging technologies that are revolutionizing our stargazing experiences. The advent of AI telescopes, for instance, has introduced a new era of convenience and precision. These smart telescopes, like the Celestron Origin and EPAM, are equipped with features such as automated comet hunting and AI upscaling, making celestial observations more accessible than ever before.

The future of telescopes is here, and it’s digital. Imagine a telescope with no eyepiece, just a high-quality digital sensor paired with a smartphone app. This setup not only allows for real-time astronomy but also enables long-duration deep sky photography and short-duration planetary shots, all while you sleep.

The market is now seeing a variety of options, from weatherproof designs that can be left outside overnight to all-digital telescopes that cater to the modern astronomer’s needs. Here’s a glimpse into what’s currently trending:

  • Smart telescopes with smartphone integration
  • Automated tracking and recording systems
  • High-definition digital sensors for superior image capture
  • User-friendly interfaces for both beginners and seasoned stargazers

It’s clear that the telescopes of the future will be vastly different from the classic models we’ve been accustomed to. They will be smarter, more connected, and far more capable of capturing the wonders of the cosmos.

What to Expect in Telescope Evolution?

As we gaze into the future of amateur astronomy, we can anticipate a thrilling journey ahead. The evolution of telescopes will be marked by innovative designs and cutting-edge technology. We’re likely to see a surge in smart telescopes that offer automated tracking and connectivity features, making celestial navigation more accessible to beginners.

  • Enhanced optical systems will provide clearer and more detailed images of distant galaxies and nebulae.
  • Compact and portable designs will become more prevalent, catering to the mobile astronomer.
  • Integration with mobile apps and virtual reality may offer immersive stargazing experiences.

The advancements in telescope technology will not only refine our current capabilities but also expand the boundaries of what we can explore from our backyards. With the inspiration drawn from missions like NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, amateur astronomers will have tools that once seemed reserved for professionals.

The future is bright for those of us with our eyes on the stars. We’ll witness the democratization of space exploration as high-quality telescopes become more affordable and user-friendly. This will undoubtedly inspire a new generation of stargazers eager to unlock the mysteries of the cosmos.

How to Stay Updated with Astronomy News?

In the ever-evolving field of astronomy, staying informed is key to enjoying and understanding the cosmos to its fullest. Subscribing to newsletters from reputable sources is a fantastic way to keep abreast of the latest developments. For instance, offers a newsletter that covers breaking space news, rocket launches, and skywatching events.

To ensure you never miss an update, consider the following steps:

  1. Bookmark your favorite astronomy news websites.
  2. Subscribe to digital magazines like “All About Space.”
  3. Join online forums and communities where enthusiasts and experts gather.
  4. Set up web notifications for real-time news alerts.

Staying current with astronomy news enriches your stargazing experience and keeps you connected with the astronomical community. It’s not just about reading; it’s about being part of the ongoing conversation.

Remember, the universe is constantly changing, and so is our understanding of it. By keeping up with the news, you’re also charting the course of human knowledge as we make new discoveries and push the boundaries of space exploration.


As we journey through the cosmos from our backyards, the right telescope can be a gateway to the wonders of the universe. Our exploration of the best telescopes under $200 has shown that stargazing doesn’t have to break the bank. From the Celestron Inspire 100AZ’s excellent lunar views and ease of use to the Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope's wide field of view for galaxy enthusiasts, there’s a telescope for every aspiring astronomer.

Remember, the best telescope is the one that meets your needs, fits your budget, and gets you excited about the night sky. So, choose your companion wisely, and prepare for a stellar adventure that’s truly out of this world.

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Edgar Lopez

US Army Acquisition Officer & Professional Hunter. Exploring the wild and navigating procurement challenges. Sharing insights on Medium. 🌿📝