Fahad Ahmad
2 min readNov 7, 2023

Standing in front of over a hundred people, I told myself, 'Fahad, you've got this, you're confident.' But my heart started racing, as if it might leap from my chest. My legs trembled, and the more they shook, the faster my heart pounded. A swarm of butterflies arrived in my stomach, and my throat grew dry.

I wanted to speak, but I was too nervous. This was a common experience for me between the ages of 16 to 20. I'd often enter a room and try to avoid attention because I was anxious about speaking aloud.

Now, at 25, I can confidently address large audiences. While the nerves still exist, they no longer paralyze me, and I've learned to control my feelings. Here's how I achieved this transformation:

1. Embrace the Fear:

I realized that the fear will persist, and I had to accept that I'd be scared. By consistently exposing myself to public speaking situations, even when it was uncomfortable, I became more accustomed to it. In the beginning, I may have stumbled or gone blank, but with time, I grew more comfortable.

2. Be Prepared:

One major source of my anxiety was the feeling of not knowing the topic well enough. Doubt would creep in even when I was knowledgeable. To combat this, I started studying and preparing meticulously. I practiced and spoke to myself until I knew the subject inside out. This preparation gave me the confidence to speak with authority.

3. Relaxation Techniques:

Prior to speaking, I found relaxation techniques helpful. Slowing down my breathing to reduce my heart rate and taking a few moments to walk around helped prevent my legs from trembling.

Remember, practice is the key to mastering the art of public speaking. Today, I’m delivering a presentation in front of very important stakeholders, and I’m proof that with continued effort, anyone can overcome their fear of public speaking.