Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity

3 min readApr 2, 2018


Dale Carnegie (1888–1995)

When dealing with people. Let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotions, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.

-Dale Carnegie

‘‘ And within five minutes I’d lost interest’’

I was always the one who enjoyed being with people but for some reason this thing seemed fading away as I always give priority to myself and would keep on talking about me,myself & I, After reading the book ‘‘How to Win Friends & Influence People’’ by Dale Carnegie I found out that people don’t really care about you they care about themselves and enjoy being with someone who gives importance to them and takes interest in what they are up to so this is something I kept in mind by taking interest in other people while hanging out would win me theirs.

So I took the “Interested Challenge” For an entire 24 hours, goal is to focus on only asking your friends, teachers, colleagues, family members (everyone!) questions about themselves. where I have to resist the desire or habit to talk about myself and also forget about the different objectives or goals that I might have and focus entirely on showing deep interest in others.

Here are few experiences I have gone through by taking this interested challenge.

So ever since I took that challenge I can still feel the emotions people showed to me how their behavior and interest changed based upon how I treated them.

Most of them started asking questions like are you okay or is there something I can help you with they might have thought that I have an agenda behind it but I kept on going and since then most of them are still asking me what was that about why all of sudden you wanted to know about me and I had this one answer to them all that I care about you so i wanted to know what is happening in your life and what are you planning to do in future.

I started with complimenting on their clothing and asked where they bought them and then I asked what is happening in your life something odd or something exciting besides that I asked them what are your future plans and what would they be doing this weekend. This made them tell me things I didn’t even asked like one of my friend asked me whether you would want to join us next week at the movies.

So this was an overwhelming experience taking ‘‘ The Interested Challenge ’’ I learned a lot about how peoples behavior depends upon how you treat them in first place.

‘’There is a big difference between showing interest and really taking interest’’ -Kamari aka Lyrikal

Takeaways : Become genuinely interested in other people. If you want to win their affection.

