Beatitude of Sustenance #AMALMEGAPROJECT

2 min readApr 30, 2018


Wastage of Eatables


We might have seen or heard that food chains, hostels and high end restaurants at the end of the day waste a lot of food because of their policies ,lack of storage and fresh item demand which aren’t rotten, untouched and can still be consumed by needy people.

In the other hand there are a lot of those who sleep unfed each day so we choose to buy the food that those restaurants wastes at a very low cost probably 15 Rupees or low from the actual price and sell it to those in need at the same price.

The purpose of selling it is not to gain any profit but just this concept that if a person buys it he would not waste it but if it’s given for free to them maybe they’ll stop working and would totally rely on us and also it might get wasted if given free.

Steps Taken

Contacted different restaurant managers, food chains and hostel mess supervisors to give us custody of food that they waste because of different policies and we’ve got pretty good response from them although we couldn’t share the names of the providers as we’ve promised to keep it confidential but they all are well known eateries for sure.

We’ve given them our contact numbers so whenever they have food left they can call us and we can pick them up.

Responsibilities & Teamwork

As this is a team effort we’ve assigned different tasks to each of the member.

  • Muhammad Fahad looks after the transactions and marketing.
  • Abdul Rauf & Muhammad Ahmed acquiring processes.
  • Amna and Tooba are the ones that examines the food whether it’s consumable or not.
  • Bushra and Ayesha looks for the places and different organizations where the food is needed the most.

After acquiring enough food from different providers the next step is to acknowledge where to deliver, once the food is acquired and the target area has been set all of us are called in for the execution.

Expected Outcome

  • Lesser Food Waste
  • Lesser Unfed People

