Shiny Object Syndrome — I Had It, You Might Have It Too

4 min readJul 16, 2023


Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs! Today, I want to share something that has personally affected me and many others in the business world — the notorious shiny object syndrome (SOS). Trust me, it’s a sneaky little devil that can derail even the most promising ventures. So, fasten your seatbelts and join me on this journey to overcoming SOS and achieving remarkable success in our businesses.

What is Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS)?

Now, let’s get real for a moment. How many times have you stumbled upon a “better” or “quicker” way of doing things? If you’re anything like me, it’s happened more times than you can count. That, my friends, is SOS in action. It’s that irresistible pull toward new ideas, strategies, or projects that promise instant gratification and untold riches.

Shiny object syndrome graph

You see, SOS thrives on our entrepreneurial spirit. We’re always on the lookout for the next big thing, and when a shiny object captures our attention, it’s hard to resist. We convince ourselves that this new venture will be the game-changer, the one that catapults us to the pinnacle of success. But here’s the harsh truth: falling for SOS can leave us with nothing but wasted time, money, and effort.

The Perils of Shiny Object Syndrome

Now, let me take you back to a time when I was knee-deep in SOS. Every few weeks or months, I’d stumble upon a new “shiny object” that promised extraordinary results. Excited and full of enthusiasm, I’d drop my current project like a hot potato and dive headfirst into the new opportunity. But guess what? The initial thrill soon faded, and I found myself caught in an endless loop of chasing after the next shiny object.

Not only did this approach hinder my business’s growth, but it also stunted my personal development. Instead of honing my skills and becoming a master of my craft, I was constantly starting from scratch, never fully committing to one project long enough to see it through. And that, my friends, is the trap of SOS — it keeps us in a perpetual state of starting over, never allowing us to gain the expertise and experience needed for true success.

Overcoming Shiny Object Syndrome: My Battle Plan

Now, you might be wondering, “How on earth did I break free from this cycle of distraction?” Well, my friends, it wasn’t easy, but I’m here to share the battle-tested strategies that worked for me. Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

1. Embrace Resistance

Imagine battling an addiction — it takes tremendous willpower and discipline. Overcoming SOS is no different. When that shiny object beckons, tempting you to abandon your current project, it’s essential to resist the urge. Remind yourself of the progress you’ve made and the potential consequences of giving in. Believe me, with time and practice, that initial temptation will lose its grip on you.

2. Share Your Journey

One of the most powerful tools in my SOS battle arsenal was the act of documenting my journey. Whether it’s through a blog, social media, or an online community, sharing your experiences keeps you accountable and committed to your project. It’s amazing how a sense of responsibility to your audience can keep you focused and motivated. Plus, you’ll find support and encouragement from like-minded individuals who are also on their own entrepreneurial journeys.

3. Set SMART Goals

Ah, the good old SMART goals. Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound — these are the keys to setting goals that keep you on track. Before starting any project, make sure it aligns with your long-term vision. Define clear objectives and break them down into actionable steps. When you have a roadmap to follow, it becomes easier to resist the allure of shiny objects because you’re focused on the tasks that matter most.

4. Stay Ahead of the Game

In the SOS battleground, planning ahead is your secret weapon. Once you’ve accomplished your daily goals, immediately set your objectives for the next day. By having a well-defined plan in place, you leave no room for idle thoughts or distractions. Trust me, when you’re busy making progress on your current project, the shiny objects lose their luster, and you won’t even entertain the idea of starting something new.

Bottom Line

My fellow entrepreneurs, SOS is a formidable adversary, but armed with the right strategies and mindset, you can overcome it. By embracing resistance, sharing your journey, setting SMART goals, and staying ahead of the game, you’ll break free from the cycle of chasing shiny objects and finally achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of.

Remember, this battle is not for the faint of heart. It requires perseverance, determination, and unwavering focus. But I promise you, the rewards are worth it. So, buckle up, my friends, and let’s conquer the shiny object syndrome together. Success awaits us on the other side!

