Poems by robert frost

Robert Frost Biography
3 min readJan 11, 2022


The most popular poet Rober Frost Impressed by William Shakespeare, and with the encouragement of his contemporary poets like Edward Thomas, Rupert Brooke, and Robert Graves, added such masterpieces to the history of English Literature that now it seems impossible to remove the name of such respectable poet and above all, he had a strong urge to write down what kept him restless. The worthy poet of nature has painted an image with his beautiful words. His reader fell in love with his unforgettable first poem “My Butterfly- An elegy”. The turning point of his life was the immense impact of World War 2 and his poetry became full of spirit and enthusiasm.

He closely observed the nature of rural areas and the most discriminating element of his poetry was based on reality. His perfectly blended poems soon became the thirst for the readers. He left his name immortal by winning the Pulitzer Prize four times and also winning the congressional gold medal. He had a breakthrough from England because initially, he couldn’t make his remarkable place in America.

The poem “A Boy’s Will” created a thrill in 1913 in London and then the journey couldn’t stop ever. In 1914 his adorable collection in London “ North of Boston” poems won the reader’s heart in which he delivered heart touching poems like

  • *After Apple-Picking
  • *The death of the Hired Man
  • * Mending Wall

Then he began to attract the publishers of America and he wrote outstanding lyrics in New York, the collection named “The Runaway”, the most famous poem of this volume was the

  • *Birches
  • *Out, OUT-
  • *The Oven Bird
  • *The Road not Taken

One more collection occupied an eminent position in which

  • Fire and Ice
  • Nothing Gold Can Stay
  • Stopping by Woods on a snowy Evening

Which indeed took Robert Frost on the sky of fame.

Despite the fact, all the poems written by Robert Frost were beautifully woven together but Some of His poems earned such great fame that they are still considered his Best Poems. Every poem has some symbolic and deep meaning. Let’s have a glance at the names of those shining pearls whose 50 still have the power to illuminate the world Outside. The list of Robert Frost The poems

  • The Road Not Taken
  • Stopping by Woods on A Snowy Evening
  • Fire and Ice
  • Mending wall
  • Nothing Gold Can Stay
  • Birches
  • Out, Out-
  • Home Burial
  • The Death of The Hired Man
  • A Witness Tree 100
  • IN The Clearing
  • The Oven Bird

Frost was also popular due to his short poems like

  • Fire and Ice
  • Nothing Gold Can Stay

Approximately Robert Frost wrote 100 Poems, he wrapped them in his magical and charming paper with his spell-binding power to write. A reader cannot compare one 150 with another because a reader’s heart knows that it will be an injustice. One poem manifests the beauty of nature and the other shows its harsh side. On one hand, he brings smiles to our faces, and at the same time, he brings tears into our eyes with his 200 heart-wrenching words.

Undoubtedly a logical and rational reader can easily relate that William Wordsworth was his inspiration. Both have the same habit to recollect some old memories and rejoice in themselves. Along with his companion’s efforts, his urge to write his stormy mind made his name carved on the reader’s heart.

What are the main characteristics Of Robert Frost’s Poems?

Indeed Robert Frost was an arduous lover of nature. He observed nature from every possible aspect. He Observed both sides of nature. His poetry has a glimpse of joy as well as gloominess. Sometimes he attaches us with his slight humour and sometimes he brings tears to our eyes.

What kind of poetry did Frost write?What were the styles he used?

Frost was not confined to a single style, but the distinguishing types he perfectly blended rhyme scheme,blank verse, onomatopoeia effect, repetition and assonance. He became king by using skilfully simile and metaphor and composed thought provoking dramatic,narrative and lyrical poems. He knew very well where and how to play his trump card.

