San Francisco Eucharistic Congress: Why Are There 21st Century Eucharistic Miracles?

Fides et Ratio
3 min readJun 10, 2023



In the 21st century, the occurrence of Eucharistic miracles has provided profound testimonies to the truth and power of the Eucharist. These miracles, along with the societal challenges of relativism, loss of faith, and the erosion of Christian values, call for a renewed understanding and appreciation of the Eucharist. By exploring some notable Eucharistic miracles and their significance, we can gain insights into the divine presence, the source of life, and the eternal truths that underpin our existence.

The Eucharistic Miracles:

Throughout history, Eucharistic miracles have served as extraordinary manifestations of God’s presence in the Eucharist. Notable examples include the Lanciano miracle in 8th-century Italy, where the consecrated host transformed into flesh, revealing its Jewish origin under microscopic examination. This miracle attests to the fact that God is the author of life, and the soul is immortal.

In the 21st century, additional Eucharistic miracles have taken place, such as the Buenos Aires miracle from 1996 to 2005. This miracle involved the discovery of living heart tissue within the consecrated host, confirming the profound mystery and reality of the Eucharist. Other miracles in different locations, such as Legnica in Poland and Tixtla in Mexico, have demonstrated the transformation of the host into living heart tissue, signifying the living presence of the soul.

Life Comes from God:

Amidst the prevalent societal questions about the origin of life and the prevalence of relativism, the Eucharistic miracles provide a powerful response. The Big Bang Theory, often associated with the physical world, points to something beyond time and space: God, who is present in the Eucharist throughout all time and space. True science, when properly understood, testifies to the harmony between faith and reason.

The Shroud of Turin:

The image on the Shroud of Turin, believed to be the burial cloth of Jesus, serves as a powerful witness to His resurrection. The perfect image imprinted on the Shroud, accompanied by light and nuclear energy not reproducible by human means, reveals the supernatural reality of Jesus’ death and resurrection. The Shroud’s 3D image and the possibility of creating casts from it further reinforce its authenticity and the extraordinary nature of the event it represents.

The Truth and Eternal Life:

Jesus Himself proclaimed, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” In the Eucharist, we encounter the fullness of Christ’s humanity and divinity. As the second person of the Holy Trinity, He did not die on the cross, but His sacrifice transcends time and space, making it present in every celebration of the Eucharist. By receiving the Eucharist, we partake in His divine life and become united with Him.


The occurrence of 21st-century Eucharistic miracles provides compelling evidence of the divine presence and power inherent in the Eucharist. Amidst a world plagued by relativism, loss of faith, and moral decay, these miracles remind us of the eternal truths and the source of life that come from God. By embracing the truth and encountering Christ in the Eucharist, we can find renewed hope, spiritual nourishment, and the path to eternal life. The Eucharistic miracles call us to reexamine our lives, proclaim the truth, and stand firm in our faith, even in the face of opposition and skepticism.

