Monitoring Slow Redis Calls

Fahim Sakri
2 min readApr 21, 2017


Being a backend developer, you will always come across profiling the code. If you are looking to figure out the bottleneck in your python code, checkout @timeit article. Here we will figure out the slow redis queries by monitoring them.

Redis provides us with monitor feature which let us inspect slow queries. Slowlog will log last X amount queries which took more time than Y microseconds to run. You can set this either in redis.conf or at runtime using CONFIG command

CONFIG SET slowlog-log-slower-than 5000
CONFIG SET slowlog-max-len 50

The slowlog-log-slower-than specified above is specified in microseconds, that means it will log all the queries taking time above 5 ms.

To Retrieve the slowlog queries, you have to use SLOWLOG GET X. Where X is the number of slow queries you want to retrieve.


Result will display a unique id, timestamp, time taken to execute the query in microseconds, and the actual command + parameter executed.

1) 1) (integer) 0        ## unique id
2) (integer) 1491042367 ## timestamp
3) (integer) 11498 ## time taken
4) 1) "KEYS" ## command
2) 'r:usr:*' ## command paramter
3) “0”

Hope, this will help you figure out the heavy queries. You can also reset the log using SLOWLOG RESET.

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