What is Locust

Fahmi Zamzami
2 min readFeb 24, 2024


Locust is an open-source load testing tool that allows you to define user behavior using Python code. Here’s a breakdown of how a load test with Locust typically works:

  1. Installation: You start by installing Locust, which can be done via pip, the Python package manager.
  2. Writing Test Scripts: With Locust, you write test scripts in Python. These scripts define the behavior of virtual users (or “locusts”) during the load test. You specify tasks that the virtual users will perform, such as making HTTP requests to your application, processing data, or interacting with your system in any desired way.
  3. Defining User Behavior: In your Python script, you define the behavior of virtual users by subclassing the locust.User class and implementing one or more tasks. These tasks simulate the actions a real user would perform on your system.
  4. Setting Load Parameters: You specify parameters such as the number of users (locusts) to simulate, the hatch rate (the rate at which new users are spawned), and the duration of the test.
  5. Running the Test: Once you’ve written your test script and configured the parameters, you start the Locust master process, which coordinates the load test, and one or more Locust worker processes, which actually simulate the users. The workers connect to the master and start executing the tasks defined in your script.
  6. Monitoring: During the test, Locust provides a web-based interface where you can monitor various metrics in real-time, such as the number of active users, request/response times, and error rates. This allows you to analyze the performance of your system under different levels of load.
  7. Analyzing Results: After the test is complete, you can analyze the results to identify performance bottlenecks, scalability issues, and other areas for improvement in your application or infrastructure.

Overall, Locust provides a flexible and scalable framework for load testing, allowing you to simulate realistic user behavior and measure the performance of your systems under various levels of load.

