Fahmi A.
2 min readFeb 27, 2018

First time I heard about Bitcoin was in 2012 from my high school schoolmate. Not much easy to understand information available back then — or I was just too dumb, perhaps—, but enough to build an intuition in me that this invention would change the way finance work in the future. I was born in 1994 and in 2012 had experienced financial crisis twice (1998 & 2008) that both happened thanks to regulator.

About Bitcoin, I was as skeptic as other people knowing how easy it is for NSA to decode any cryptographic security. My mind was set to be a creative writer at the time before my high school graduation, but somehow it changed after reading more and more about Bitcoin and the technology behind it. I decided to go for a business school to get a better foundation of knowledge on economic and finance.

I started to create my own stock portfolio in q4 2013 and explore several trading strategies until I read Margin of Safety by Seth Klarman — Well, he says cryptocurrencies are ‘tulip bulbs for the digital age’, which I agreed somehow. Since then I get use to see things from value-perspective.

I hope you can get a brief picture about me from this short introduction and be able to understand how my background related to my writing. In here, I would like to start writing about my analysis on decentralized apps based on my perspective. My writing will be less technical and more on the value that the project brought for the stakeholders. Nevertheless, I am not affiliated with any block-chain related project nor being paid to write for them. I would like to share my analysis and hear other people opinion about my thought, nothing more, nothing less. Hence, your claps and comments are very much expected by me. Thank you for reading, I’m glad to reach you :)