Big Data, Artificial Intelligent and Cyber Security

Fahrettin Filiz
3 min readMar 24, 2017


Big data and artificial intelligence so relevant that it will be useful to start with a brief summary of how this journey begins and how it develops together. Big data can be explained by 3V which are velocity, volume and variety. Many different solutions have emerged in the related issues today, as the need to process big and variety of data in real time. When Chatbots softwares is combined with robotic applications, we will come closer to the world of dreams of futurists.

Artificial Intelligence has many different implementation areas. Some of them areAnalytically based solutions, industrial solutions, transportation, aviation and space studies, finance, healthcare, service and agriculture.


We are starting a journey with artificial intelligence as well as big data and cyber security.

I plan to make our journey from 10 main titles.

  1. Fundamentals

We will deal with issues such as Matrix, Linear Algebra, CAP Theory, sharding, NoSQL.


Probability Theory, Probability Density Functions, Bayes Theorem, Random Variables will be studied under this heading.


With R, Python, Scala, Java; matrix operations, online ofline data reading and performans manipulations on data will be our some topics.

4.Machine Learning

Artificial Neural Networks, Decision Trees, Sentiment Analysis, Support Vector Machines will be our some topics.

5.Natural Language Process, Text Mining

Topics such as word frequency, market-based analysis, feature extraction will be under this heading.


Once we are at the level where we can do the operations on the data, we need visualization tools to see the results. It is useful to examine this topic under a separate heading. D3.js, Data Exploration in R some of them.

7.Big Data

Hadoop ecosystem (HDFS, MapReduce, Sqoop, Flume, Hive, Pig, Manhout)will examine under this heading. HortonWorks and Cloudera will also be under this heading.

8.Data Ingestion and Munging

We will also focus on the issues of integrating data into the system. Architectural designs will be made by comparing batch processing or stream processing.

9.Cyber Security

After establishing a fault tolerant system with artificial intelligence, it will come in line with security systems that can perform anomaly detection. Apache Mentor and Apache Spot are the first projects that come to mind …


Sometimes we just push the boundaries of the software that will be used in the projects and try to see what we can do.Sometimes we will have our comments and examples about a book (artificial intelligence tools such as H2O, Mahout, MLib, TensorFlow, SAMOA) or general data tools such as Nutch, NLTK, Rattle…such as these books

10 different main titles should be considered separately from one another. We can open hundreds of subtitles under each main title, with the big picture dominated. The subject of the occasion will sometimes include a few titles together. Lets start our happy journey…

