What Is Software-Defined Networking?

1 min readJan 30, 2023

Managing your IT obligations is one of your most important responsibilities as a business owner. Implementing software-defined networking (SDN) is something that can increase your performance and security.However, not everybody understands everything they should about it.So, what is software-defined networking? Let’s explore everything that you should know.What Is Software-Defined Networking?Software-defined networking is an alternative approach to networking. It makes use of application programming interfaces (APIs) or software-based controllers.These can direct traffic within a network and communicate with the hardware infrastructure.In traditional networks, dedicated hardware devices are used to direct the flow of network traffic. Software-defined networking is able to utilize the software for this purpose.As you might assume, this provides a much greater amount of flexibility and control.

How Does It Work?

There are three primary segments of software-defined networking. Due to their nature, it’s also not required for them to be located within the same location.

