3 min readJun 5, 2020

Learning from Experiences of Expert Dr. Muhammad Amjad Saqib

Dr. Muhammad Amjad Saqib is the founder and CEO of Akhuwat Foundation which is working for the welfare of mankind. There are so many organizations which are struggling for the benefits of the humanity but there are always some leading minds behind these organizations. Dr. Amjad Saqib is also one of those leading and talented personalities which are struggling not for themselves but also for the services of humanity. He is running Akhuwat for the alleviation of the poverty and unemployment from the global society by creating different opportunities for the youth. This organization is also polishing the skills of the youth and leading them to their brilliant future.

Dr. Muhammad Amjad Saqib has taken up an initiative for the youth career counseling and their skill development. I have experienced a video session and that was one of the amazing experiences about a creative personality. That session taught me to never quit your aim in life. Everyone has one’s own goals and aims about oneself but there are also many people who are striving for paving the paths not only for themselves but for the whole mankind and those people are the leaders and stars of the society. They are the initiatives of many other’s future. They are the counsellors of the society. They work for the personal, social and economical welfare of others.

Dr. Muhammed Amjad Saqib is also one of the leading stars who are paving paths for the betterment of the individuals. The best learning experience that I have got from the session is that

“All are not hanged that are condemned”

The other thing that is constructive is that life is very beautiful and one’s hardwork and devotion for his future and career makes is “The Beautiful”. Wherever there is hard work, there is success and where there is success, there is blessed life.

The aim of life should not only to earn money for oneself but should be creating opportunities not for own individual but for the others too. We should take initiative by knowing our interests and vision. Everyone has got some talent and skills but sometimes people don’t have clear vision about their interests and goals .Then, there is need to polish them and lead them. So, for the better future of society and country we should promote social reforms and values. If someone remembers one’s values and morals ,he /she will be clear about his/her goals in life . Because a Nation’s strength depends upon it’s people and their devotion but there is a need to take initiative for one’s nation. So let’s contribute to the strength of the nation by participating for the welfare of the mankind and paving paths for others.

A leader is one who don’t follow the paved paths but he paves the paths and leaves a trail for others. Your contribution always matters and results in welfare is not only for you but for others too.