FairAppToken — Bounty campaign

4 min readSep 1, 2017


Start day of bounty campaign: 2 September 2017

End day: last day of FairAppToken ICO — TO BE ANNOUNCED

During pre-sale and ICO phase you can get FairAppToken just by joining the project community and participating in our bounty campaign.

We are reserving 1 000 000 XFT to be distributed at the end of our bounty campaign to people who will help us and spread the world about our innovative project. A maximum of 2000 XFT per account/email/person will be gifted during this period.

Discover about our project here.

Please, before joining read our whitepaper.

For further information, doubts or suggestion about our project, feel free to contact us support@fairapptoken.info

ATTENTION: before you take part in any of our bounty campaign, please compile this form. If you don’t we can’t reward your work.



  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Reddit
  • BitcoinTalk
  • Translations
  • Creation of topics on other forums and maintaining their activity
  • Video on YouTube
  • Interviews with journalists
  • Ambassador


Facebook 180 000 XFT


To get a reward:

Complete one or more of the defined reward types, -then compile this form-, we will contact you!


Twitter 120 000 XFT


1 XFT/ retweet, if your account has up to 300 follower

5 XFT/ retweet, if your account has up to 500 follower

15 XFT/ retweet, if your account has 1000+ follower

To get a reward:

Follow us on twitter @fairapptoken, retweet our posts, suggest our project to your followers and then compile -this form-.


Reddit 150 000 XFT


  • Write a post on a community with more than 5,000 subscribers
  • Comment a post promoting our token on a community with more than 5,000 subscribers

1 XFT/ post or comment if karma is lower than 500

3 XFT/ post or comment if karma is lower or equal to 5000

7 XFT/ post or comment if karma is higher than 5000

To get a reward:

Post and comment threads and spread to redditors our project, then compile this form!


BitcoinTalk 200 000 XFT


  • Junior Member/ Member: 10 XFT
  • Full Member: 50 XFT
  • Senior Member/Hero/Legend: 100 XFT
  • Signature: read our announcement in bitcointalk.

To get a reward:

Partecipate actively on bitcointalk on our posts, then we will contact you via PM.


Translations 30 000 XFT


Translation of BitcoinTalk Topic: 100 XFT

Translation of the website: 1200 XFT

Translation of WhitePaper: 700 XFT

To get a reward:

Reserve a translation

  • Reservation of BitcoinTalk Topic translation:

Contact us via PM on BitcoinTalk and reserve your translation once we post our announcements on BitcoinTalk forum.


Creation of topics on other forums and maintaining their activity 80 000 XFT


  • A topic creation: 50 XFT
  • Message in this topic: 5 XFT

To get a reward:

Fill in this form


Video review 70 000 XFT


Video review of the project: 1500 XFT


Duration: at least 5 minutes

Your number of subscribers: more than 1000 or

Total views before the end of bounty campaign: 5000

To get a reward:

Make a video and review our project, talk about it at least for 5 minutes and post it to YouTube, if it reaches the requirements compile this form!


Interviews with journalists 70 000 XFT


5000 XFT


Provide a Skype/chat interview, followed by a publication of an article.

Reward could be lower or higher depending on article, views and other parameters.

To get a reward:

Contact us: bounty@fairapptoken.info


Ambassadors 50 000 XFT




  • Knowledge of the concept and sharing the philosophy of FairAppToken project
  • Activity in blockchain industry for at least 1 year


  • Inform the audience of your language group about the concept and philosophy, concept and operational nuances by communicating on subject-related resources and answering questions via e-mail.

To become an ambassador:

  1. Inform about your desire to become an ambassador of the project using our e-mail: bounty@fairapptoken.info
  2. In the letter specify your personal data (name, sex, age, country, working language, background in the blockchain industry)


Reserve 50 000 XFT

We are reserving 50 000 XFT for unforeseen situations and replenishment of drained reward funds.

If you have any questions regarding the bounty campaign, do not hesitate to contact us: bounty@fairapptoken.info





XFT is an alternative Android App Store based on an ERC20 token; it is going to innovate traditional app store. Discover more http://fairapptoken.org