ISIS & Their war in Syria is the Threat for countries whoever fighting against terrorism

FairObserver News
2 min readSep 17, 2016


If Al Qaida was the name that brings destruction and devastation in the earlier years of this century, then it is the time of the ISIS, which is shaking the world for their fierce way of attacks and far more aggressive attitude towards the non-Muslim countries as well. So far they have captured and killed millions of innocent people residing in countries like Syria, Iraq and other war-torn countries of the Middle East. They have made the world most dangerous place to live and also making continuous efforts to transform the countries a hell for the civilized and good people. Every day the news on ISIS is capturing the headlines of all the Medias all over the world.

Not only that continuous threat to countries like Russia, America, United Kingdom and India making things bitterer and worse. Due to this now the international relations of countries is getting hampered and also the loss of assets and human lives are crossing the unimaginable limits. The world is now getting divided into irreparable divisions which are making things more critical for the common people.

But now the News on the Syrian civil war showing good signs of the recovery as the America and Russia both shook hands and agreed to a ceasefire. Now it can be expected that the situation in the Syria and other war torn countries are going to change and so thus the lives of the people too. Apart from that, the news of the joint attack on Nusra, the stronghold of the joint combat force of Russia and America is also giving more hope to the Syrian people of getting rid of the ISIS for once and all.

To read more about News on the Syrian civil war, news on ISIS, visit Fair Observer.



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