How We Attracted 300+ Clients To Our Agency

ART + marketing
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2017

Before launching our latest UI/UX Design Service for B2B SaaS companies , we were focussed on logo design. Like many Software & Design agencies, we hated going to networking events, cold calling and being pushy. We’d rather spend the time crafting beautiful things.

But… like all software & design agencies, we needed clients…

So almost 2 years ago, we decided to do something about it.

This was the plan:

  1. Create a lead magnet where we offer something for free
  2. Share this lead magnet with the online communities we were part of
  3. Convert a couple of those visitors into paying customers

Here’s what happend next:

  1. Lead Magnet: 24 hours later, we launched, where we open sourced our unused logo designs. Since we work on dozens of designs before we work towards the winning logo, we decided to make the unused ones free.
  2. Share Online: We posted to Reddit, Hacker News and before we knew it, it got picked up by TheNextWeb, Product Hunt and others. 2 years in and we average about 10k unique visitors a month, without spending a cent on ads.
  3. Get Customers: A good chunk (not sure about the exact conversion rate) of those monthly visitors, convert into paying customers.

Logodust has been a huge help, letting us spend zero time networking, cold calling and chasing down potential customers. Instead, we’re getting a pretty consistent stream of projects.


  1. Figure out what Lead Magnet you can build to attract your ideal customer to your agency.
  2. Share it with the online and offline communities you’re already part of
  3. Make it easy for customers to hire you if they require a more custom, premium service for their needs.

Best of luck!

