I think the far right and the far left feed in to each other.

Faisal Saeed AlMutar
2 min readDec 13, 2015


This maybe one of my most controversial statements, but I have reached a point of not giving a damn.

I think the far right and the far left feed in to each other.

I am more critical of the left because I subscribe to alot of ideas that can be considered left leaning.

The refusal of the left to admit that there is undeniable link between SOME not ALL interpretations of Islam and violence has made the far right capitalize on that subject.

The rise of the far right groups in Europe, as well as the popularity of Mr. Scumbag Trump is to an extent a result of that.

I literally have no respect to the fundamentalist right wing Christian or right Wing Jewish groups but I also don’t have any respect for right wing Fundamentalist Islamic groups.

I am a critic of bad ideas whenever I find them, and just like Isis was created as a result of the vacuum as a result of the Iraq war and the continuous failure of the Iraqi terrible and sectarian government, far right groups are a result of a vacuum created by left.

Liberals of the west should stand with their fellow liberals of the east and help them to fight against the right wing Islamic groups just like liberals of the west are united against right wing Christian and Jewish groups and stop making excuses for islamist terrorism.



Faisal Saeed AlMutar

I come from a region where getting stoned means something else! Iraqi born writer & founder and president of Ideas Beyond Borders