Star Schema Vs Snowflake Schema

Faisal R. Wattoo
3 min readMar 16, 2024


Star Schema: It’s a database organization method where the main table, called the “fact table,” is connected to several smaller tables called “dimension tables” without further subdivisions.

Snowflake Schema: An advanced version of the Star Schema, the Snowflake Schema also utilizes a central “fact table” connected to “dimension tables,” but with a twist: these dimension tables are normalized, breaking down into smaller tables to minimize data repetition.

Differences Between Star and Snowflake Schemas:

What They’re Made Of: Star schema has a big table in the middle and some smaller tables around it, kind of like a star shape. Snowflake schema is similar but has extra small tables branching off the smaller tables, making it look more detailed.

How They’re Built: Star schema starts from the big picture and works down. Snowflake schema starts with the small details and builds up.

Space Needed: Star schema can take up more room on your computer because it keeps some of the same information in multiple places. Snowflake schema is better at saving space by not repeating information.

Star Schema

Speed of Finding Information: You can find information faster with a star schema because it’s simpler. Snowflake schema takes a bit longer because it’s more complicated.

Keeping Information Neat: In a star schema, information is kept simple and a bit messy. In a snowflake schema, information is tidied up into more tables, which can help keep things more organized.

How Easy They Are to Understand: Star schema is pretty straightforward and easy to get. Snowflake schema is a bit more complex and might take more time to understand.

Asking Questions: Asking questions (querying) is easier with a star schema because there’s less to sift through. With a snowflake schema, it’s a bit trickier because there’s more detail to consider.

Learning Curve: Star schema is easier to learn and use right away. Snowflake schema requires a bit more effort to fully grasp.

Snowflake Schema

Links Between Tables: Star schema has fewer connections between tables, making it simpler to navigate. Snowflake schema has more connections due to its extra tables.

Repeating Info: Star schema is okay with having some repeated information if it makes things easier. Snowflake schema tries to avoid repetition to keep data neat and save space.

In conclusion, the choice between a Star Schema and a Snowflake Schema depends on various factors such as data complexity, storage efficiency, ease of querying, and organizational preferences. While the Star Schema offers simplicity and faster query performance, the Snowflake Schema excels in minimizing data redundancy and maintaining a more organized structure despite its slightly higher complexity. Understanding the nuances between these two schemas empowers data architects to make informed decisions tailored to their specific requirements, ensuring optimal database design and efficient data management.


