LOVE CANCER ( short story)

10 min readSep 3, 2023


I think he is a freak! I mumbled inside my mind. Every time I try to ignore his stupid actions; the more they come and leave a shadow of cute smile on my face...

Can you just believe ?

he stole my lunchbox in science lecture and when I caught him red handed he said ‘you better eat my cheeks..they are more tastier than anything’ and winked; and when I corrected him that there are thousands things tastier than his fucking cheeks he said coming closer to my face ‘yesss baby…YOUR LIPS; I won’t eat your lunch if you would gimme your yummy lips’ and slided his tongue over his lips giggling and winking. Remembering all that; I turned red hot angry

"oh goddd..I mean how.." before I could finish my sentence ; my ears received a knock on the door.

"Comin!" I cried. As the door was opening and creaking; my mind worried if there would have been that stupid freak!

My eyes were wide open

“ No No..Not him please” I prayed Jesus

"Hey Baby”


How can I forget that even Jesus can’t do anything about him; and why would he? That stupid will even irritate Jesus too.

“won’t you ask me to come in?" He asked in his weirdy flirty voice.

I didn’t know what to say..I just! I just kept quiet bumping my hand against my head.

"Oh Come On" he entered smirking inside my house. I got shifted to the back of the door by his force. "Bethany?" He said in a low voice still with confusion;

"Here stupid" I replied still in a low miserable voice.

"Oh!" He pulled me by his arms; he was way more clumsier than I had thought; trying to hold me swung in his hands but in conspiring all this; his legs crossed with mine and we both fell on the floor; my head fell on his chest....that was the first time I heard his heart beat; it was beating even faster then my heart; and his musculine perfume was damn hot and magnetic; I just didn’t want to go away; that smell was soo empowering.

He lifted my face slowly rubbing my pink cheeks with his thumb; he moved his other hand which was resting on my waist through my red long hairs;

My eyes met his blue oceanic eyes. For a minute I unwillingly got drown into the ocean;

He rose himself and me

I was still floating inside the ocean;

he smiled leaning against his knees just to equalise his tall figure with mine; Ahh he was too tall..maybe approx six feet and four inches tall; his height added to his more handsome looks; and mine being five feet and five inches could just reach his chest.

"Never ever try to solve the mystery of my heart beat.." he said as his eyes were moving left and right in focus with mine.

He continued "You may uncover my secret baby" by now I was fully drowned inside the ocean and I was almost unconscious

"What secret darling?" Damnnn! Damnnn! what the hell I blurted!

Now before I could catch his secret..he would catch mine that 'I hell liked him!'

I was stupid!

Or maybe an asshole!

I panicked and pushed him back

"I meant...I just joked don't take my words seriously" I tried to cover up.

“But you had told me you don’t like jokes” he leaned again teasing through his mischievous eyes and smirk.

He was literally blushing and simultaneously trying to hide his laughter.

"Woah I got it!" He rolled against his feet and landed his hands on my shoulders;

"What?" I was afraid of my secret.

"Hey Baby.. just call me again 'DA R LING' " he whispered in my ears and bursted into laughter.

"DA R LING" he again laughed.

Now he peeved me!

"It was a joke stupid" I rolled my eyes and pretended that this time my heart was not racing faster than a bullet train.

"You cutie little monster" he said stretching my cheecks shaking them that they started to hurt.

I slapped on his hands and offered him a punch in his stomach "THAT WAS JUST A JOKE!" I exclaimed pronouncing each and every word precisely.

"THAT WAS NOT A JOKE BA..BY" he too exclaimed coming head to head where our noses bumped.

He made a bubbly childish expression; God! he was looking damn cute but somehow I suppressed my smile and hitted his head; he fell behind.

"Hey man; have you made it your life goal to hit me?"

Ahh man! He pulled my hands too and made me fall again on him

“Huh?” He asked

I lifted myself

"Alex; why are you here ?" I asked

"You will soon get that" he said slowly walking closer and closer and closer to me; this time he was serious.

he was looking hot but that was scary for me. I was to shout on him but I could not ; because by the time he was facing me face to face; his head touched my head; his eyes; that were now seeming me the largest ocean were melting in my brown eyes; his hands were climbing from my butt to my waist sparking the strongest electric current all through my body to my heart; he grabbed me tightly pulling me more closer to him. The air conditioned room felt me much hotter than a heated room.

"Bethany; You are insane…”

“ahhh… the moment I saw you the first time at the university; I was killed at the spot" he said in one breath; his blonde curly messy hairs were sticking to his forehead as he was sweating. His hands were still resting on my butt and THAT WAS DRIVING ME CRAZY! I didn’t know what to suck his lips? To throw him on my bed? to slide his hands over my flower? or to just keep quiet?

He was squeezing my butt hardly;

I could not resist myself;

The electricity sparked off and

my arms frantically circled around his shoulder reaching through his neck, rubbing his cheeks ruggedly and finally finding their way pulling his hairs.

I was to kiss him hardly but suddenly something pressed on my lips….his lips had sucked mine fully inside..he was just going on sucking all the air from my lips into his and I wanted to say nothing...I just wanted to keep quiet;

I was not just enjoying him; I was cherishing his each and every step like a Juliet to her Romeo.

I had been loving him before he saw me at the university.

I had met him in our first grade; at that time he was not soo charming not very much talking; he was too shy to even go for our group photoshoot. When we were in second grade he got a transfer to France; he may had forgotten me but I never did. Finnally after total of twelve years I found him on YouTube, newspapers,radios and everywhere

on posters. He is a famous singer in France about whom all the girls are crazy.

Just the time I got to know this; I took addmission too and by coincidence we were both addmissioned in the same university. His looks may had changed but not his cute smile.

all those sweet past was brushing my eyes and I was again back in the present.

He was still kissing me...still his mouth was covering my lips...still his hands were squeezing on my butt…still...still I was fainting by his hotness...ahh...still I loved him insanely.

He finally lifted his hands and pulled me more closer..his lips finally stopped and moved to my forehead..I felt a drop of water...he had in his eyes.

"You found me!" he whispered; a bunch of happiness glittering his eyes; as if he was emotional and happy at the same time. I could not understand what he was referring to.

" found me...”

“you thought I forgot you?" He moved his hands and cupped my cheecks

“How can the sun forget his moon?” his voice was low still it sounded the loudest to me

“How can a body forget his soul?” he continued

“How can a heart forget it’s beat?”

“You are my love language Bethany”

“How can I forget YOU?” His every sentence was tingling to every piece of my soul.

"Do you know?.." he paused for a second and pursed his lips suppressing his tears. "I never forgot you..I love you since the day I met you; I was always missing you…from the day I left....It was hard for me to go out to France...but I had to....” “because…”

“ I had got heart cancer"

Tears had started filling my eyes...I was blank; I felt like my world has ended and shattered into pieces; He leaned his head against my head and we both were into tears..I grabbed his hands tightly which were still cupping my cheecks; there was silence except sobs.

Those sobs were gathered for several years in glimmer of hope; we both had been crying every night for each other, we both had been imagining us kissing and making love, we both had been smiling in nostalgia; we both had been staring at the same moon everynight having no clue that we both were connected through the moon simultaneously, but the moon must had been smiling at us. All the tears we had stored were splashing out. The Love was beautiful pain now; and it’s healers were healing the pain now. At a sudden he hugged me soo much tightly; just like a child hugs his most loved thing in fear of loosing it again; his hug had the warmth of the strongest feeling; he didn’t want to loose me again. As if he could not believe that Juliet and Romeo have the possibility to meet;

As if Romeo had reversed the time knowing he will loose Juliet and he just hugged her tightly to never let her go.

"I was not scared by the Cancer.. I had it since I was two years old...I was scared to loose you; I knew I could die anytime; and I was not expecting anything from life; I was not soo much outgoing because I thought I would hurt the people if I would build attachment with them but when I saw you; that was the first time I ever worried about my life; when you became a beautiful part of my everyday imagination; that was the first time I felt I had a disease named Cancer…that was the first time I was afraid to die"

He paused looking down; his eyes slowly lifted towards me and he said

That was the first time I realised that death means loosing life…and my life was YOU”

"My mother told me that I could get recovered in France..I wanted to recover Bethany”

“ I wanted to spend my rest of the life with You and only You…”

“You became the reason to live because you were the one I wanted to live with”

his tears were flowing like water spattering out from a whole ocean;

“I decided I will come back for you"

He kissed my lips

" But I could not; I had gone to your home but I found that you have left for France"

"I asked your neighbour ‘James’ who told me that you are in relationship with his brother "

"But Alex; James’s brother and I shared no relationship" I was not shocked to know that; James had no brother and he used to like did not take me a minute to connect the dots that he might had said this to Alex because he did not want any other guy to come closer to me.

he smiled

"And then I found you with coincidence to the can’t guess what my happiness level was" he widened his eyes and laughed insanely shaking his head.

"All the songs I have got popular by…were all written for YOU... somewhere I knew that you are listening them...I felt that they are conveying you my message..all the kisses in my interviews were for YOU"

I remembered his one interview where he had said jokingly that he loves a girl who resides in his all-time kisses. That was actually not a joke..that was for me?

Those all kisses he used to give in his stage performances were all for me?

His song he had sung named ‘my all-time kisses’ was for me?

"Are you fine now Alex?" It took me a long to say tears and pain for him were forcing my words..I was trembling; this time I felt what fear exactly is.

“what if I would say no?” He asked with a smile; still with tears.

The moment he said this; my mind was predicting all the negative thoughts; I was broken; I felt like my soul had died.

I will give you my Heart and Beat both”

“And what about you?” He asked

“Nothing will happen Alex; what can be better than being fitted inside the most beautiful place of your man?” I said placing my hand on his heart;

“Alex….my death like this would be Poeticno death could be more beautiful than this”

He hugged me tightly; he was crying more harder now;

" It was a heart cancer...and my heart healed healed it Bethany" he said kissing my forehead;

My world that had gone; came back to me, my shattered pieces stitched again.

" Soo cutie you like me?"

He laughed

"Like?" I exclaimed

"Oh soo you hate me?" he made a puppy face...just to show off.

"YOU STUPID FREAKY BEAR...I LOVE YOU!" I punched his chest Jumped and surrounded my legs around his abdomen...the sudden force made the tall guy lean over me.

I moved my neck back to see the ceiling where I had stuck a paper written 'I will find you Alex' .

Every night; I stared at the ceiling to gather hopes.

He gently kissed on my neck..and I felt the eternity holding it's breath.

"I never forgot you Alex" I said looking inside his eyes.

"Look" I said pointing my eyes towards the ceiling;

"I thought you forgot me and you thought I forgot you..but we both never did just like…" he said with his oceanic eyes focused on the ceiling;

moving his hands through my neck he reached my lips and paused the time;

“Just like love never forgets it’s language” he said

“Bethany…I wanna tell you something” he showed worry

“wa…what?” I hesitated

“I have got another cancer”

At his remark; my world turned upside down; my soul was shattered inside;

I was just blanked looking at him

Before I could say anything

he frantically forced his lips on mine

And slowly slipping them through my face to my ears

He whispered


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