3 “Creative” Ways to Stimulate Creativity

3 min readOct 8, 2021

What is creativity…why is it important?

Creativity is imperative within everyday life, and its application can often be seen all around us. For example, creativity allows us to formulate unique ideas and translate those concepts into many different forms of art, such as literature, painting, architecture, music, theater, etc.

Additionally, creativity is closely correlated with having a great imagination. When using your imagination, you often do not think of things that exist within reality. However, creativity is connected to reality and allows you to launch your imaginations into existence. Being creative also enables us to learn and obtain problem-solving skills, which will increase confidence in daily life activities. Therefore, it is crucial to be creative.

The following are three “creative,” notable ways to stimulate creativity within everyday life.

1. Change My Surroundings to Blue?

It is essential to change your surroundings often. When lingering in the same environment for too long, your ideas and thoughts can become stagnant. This outcome can result in not producing the content you anticipated devising. On the other hand, the proper working environment can considerably incite creativity.

When finding a new working environment, it is crucial to find unique spaces that constantly inspire brain activity. According to a study by the University of Columba, “[Research] has shown that the colours of our environment can have an immediate effect on our productivity and creativity. Blue helps us think creatively and outside the box . . .colour is used not just to stimulate the senses, but also to reflect the location and values of each centre” (Spaces.). Therefore, you should also pay attention to the color of your working environment!

2. Keep Daydreaming!

Daydreaming often receives a negative cognition. However, multiple studies have shown that daydreaming can indeed be a source of creative inspiration. Frequently, when one daydreams, they envisage things or circumstances significant in their lives. Hence, innovative ideas and thoughts can emerge when you daydream and enable you to solve various problems. According to an article, “Some studies have found a link between frequent daydreaming and creativity” (Zedelius).

Consequently, “being lost in your imagination” is not as bad as you think!

3. Eat Eat Eat!

Studies have shown that eating certain foods can considerably boost creativity. When you eat, your brain releases endorphin hormones that promote euphoria and brain functions, leading to creativity. Oftentimes, it isn’t easy to have creative urges when our brains are feeling sluggish from inadequate or poor eating habits. However, eating foods that contain necessary fatty acids, protective antioxidants, and complex carbohydrates such as oats, berries, and avocados can improve creativity remarkably.

In Essence . . .

You can stimulate creativity in many “creative” ways, whether by encircling yourself in the color blue, daydreaming, or eating! Nevertheless, no matter how you attain your creative boost, it is vital to stay creative!


“Can Your Surroundings Make You More Creative?” Spaces, 11 Feb. 2021, https://www.spacesworks.com/can-your-surroundings-make-you-more-creative/.

Zedelius, Claire. “Daydreaming Might Make You More Creative-but It Depends on What You Daydream about — by Claire Zedelius Behavioral Scientist.” Behavioral Scientist, 2 Nov. 2020, https://behavioralscientist.org/daydreaming-might-make-you-more-creative-but-it-depends-on-what-you-daydream-about/.

