Go from Beginner to Expert: A Complete Guide to Learn Golang PART-12

Step-by-Step Guide to understand Packages and Imports in Golang

Md. Faiyaj Zaman
3 min readMar 5, 2023


Hey there, welcome to our tutorial on packages and imports in Golang! This is Faiyaj here today to guide you through the basics of working with packages and imports in Golang.

Let’s start with the basics. In Golang, a package is a way of organizing and structuring your code. Think of it like a folder on your computer where you keep all of your related files.

Packages allow you to group together similar types of code and functions, making it easier to maintain and reuse your code.

Now, imports are what allow you to use the code from one package in another package. In other words, imports allow you to access the functions and types defined in one package from another package.

But why are packages and imports so important in Golang programming? Well, for one, they allow you to organize your code in a logical and maintainable way. By breaking your code up into smaller packages, you can easily find and update specific parts of your code without having to sift through a huge file.

Additionally, packages and imports allow for code reuse. By importing a package, you can use the functions and types defined in that package in your own code. This can save you a lot of time and effort when writing new code.

Now, let’s dive deeper into how to create and use packages in Golang. First, let’s start with a definition. In Golang, a package is a way of organizing and structuring your code by grouping similar types of code and functions together.

Creating a package in Golang is quite simple. All you have to do is create a new directory with the same name as your package and put your Go files in that directory. Each file in that directory should have a package declaration at the top of the file, specifying the package name.

Using a package in Golang is even simpler. All you have to do is import the package in your code and you’ll be able to access the functions and types defined in that package.

Now, let’s look at some examples of commonly used packages in Golang. The “fmt” package is a great example. It contains functions for formatting input and output. The “net/http” package is another commonly used package and it contains functions for creating HTTP servers and clients. The “math” package is also a popular one and it contains mathematical functions such as trigonometry and logarithms.

Here is an example of package and import:

package main

import "math/rand"

func main() {

for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {




So, that’s it for this post on packages in Golang. In the next post, we’ll take a look at imports and how they’re used to access the functions and types defined in a package.

Thanks for reading!”

