Best Practices for Diabetic Foot Care

4 min readJul 25, 2023

Diabetic foot care is a critical aspect of managing diabetes and ensuring the overall well-being of individuals with the condition. Diabetes can lead to nerve damage and reduced blood circulation in the feet, making them vulnerable to injuries and infections. However, with proper care and attention, many foot-related complications can be prevented. In this article, we will explore the best practices for Diabetic Foot Care in Dubai, empowering individuals with diabetes to maintain healthy feet and a higher quality of life.

  1. Daily Foot Inspection:
    Regularly inspecting the feet is a fundamental practice in diabetic foot care. Individuals with diabetes should check their feet daily for any signs of redness, swelling, blisters, cuts, or sores. As nerve damage can reduce sensation in the feet, early detection of issues becomes crucial to prevent them from worsening.

2. Proper Foot Hygiene and Moisturization:
Keeping the feet clean and dry is essential to prevent infections. Wash the feet with mild soap and lukewarm water, and pat them dry gently, paying particular attention to the areas between the toes. Moisturize the feet regularly to prevent dry skin, but avoid applying moisturizer between the toes, as excessive moisture in that area can lead to fungal infections.

3. Choosing the Right Footwear:
Selecting appropriate footwear is vital for diabetic foot care. Opt for shoes that fit well and provide ample support and cushioning. Avoid high heels and pointed-toe shoes, as they can increase pressure on certain areas of the feet. Instead, choose comfortable shoes with a wide toe box to give your toes enough room to move.

4. Regular Exercise:
Engaging in regular physical activity not only benefits overall health but also improves blood circulation to the feet. Low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, or cycling are excellent choices for individuals with diabetes. Before starting any exercise regimen, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional to ensure it is safe and suitable for your specific health condition.

5. Managing Blood Sugar Levels:
Consistently managing blood sugar levels is a crucial aspect of diabetic foot care. High blood sugar levels can exacerbate nerve damage and impair the body’s ability to heal. Follow your prescribed diabetes management plan, which may include medications, insulin therapy, diet control, and regular blood sugar monitoring.

6. Avoiding Self-Treatment:
When it comes to foot problems, self-treatment should be avoided. Diabetics should never attempt to remove calluses, corns, or ingrown toenails on their own, as it can lead to infections or other complications. Instead, seek the assistance of a podiatrist or healthcare professional who can provide appropriate treatment and care.

7. Regular Professional Check-ups:
Regular check-ups with healthcare professionals, especially podiatrists, are essential for diabetic foot care. These professionals can conduct thorough foot examinations, identify potential issues early on, and offer valuable advice on foot care practices. They can also provide education on how to properly care for the feet at home.

8. Wound Care and Immediate Attention:
Any cuts, sores, or injuries to the feet should be treated with utmost care and attention. If the wound shows no signs of healing or becomes infected, seek medical attention promptly to prevent further complications.

9. Proper Nail Care:
Trimming toenails straight across and not too short is crucial in diabetic foot care. Avoid cutting into the corners of the nails, as this can lead to painful ingrown toenails. If you have difficulty trimming your nails or have any concerns, consult a podiatrist for professional nail care.

10. Protecting Feet from Extremes:
Extreme temperatures can pose risks to diabetic feet. Protect your feet from cold weather by wearing warm socks and insulated shoes. In hot weather, avoid walking barefoot on hot surfaces and wear breathable, moisture-wicking socks to prevent excessive sweating.

Diabetic foot care plays a pivotal role in preventing foot complications and maintaining overall health for individuals living with diabetes. By adopting these best practices, including daily foot inspections, proper hygiene, suitable footwear, and regular professional check-ups, individuals can significantly reduce the risk of foot-related issues and enjoy an active and fulfilling life.

How often should I inspect my feet as a diabetic?

It is recommended to inspect your feet daily for any signs of issues or abnormalities.
Can I cut my own toenails if I have diabetes?

While it’s best to have a podiatrist trim your nails, if you choose to do it yourself, trim them straight across and not too short to avoid ingrown toenails.
Is exercise safe for diabetics with foot complications?

Before starting any exercise regimen, consult your healthcare professional to ensure it is safe and suitable for your specific health condition.

How can I improve blood circulation to my feet?

Regular exercise, such as walking and swimming, can help improve blood circulation to the feet. Additionally, avoiding smoking and managing blood sugar levels can contribute to better circulation.

What should I do if I notice a wound on my foot?

If the wound shows no signs of healing or becomes infected, seek medical attention promptly.

