Temtum — hight technologydecentralised network

faiza khan
6 min readAug 3, 2019



This article I will clarify about Temtum as the commercial center which prescribed to cryptographic money client. Temtum is gotten from tem and tum. Tem is fleeting blockchain and Tum is quantum haphazardness. Worldly blockchain created by Dragon Infosec on blockchain innovation. It faces numerous issues in the P2P organize.

What Is Temtum?

Temtum is new, lightweight, shared digital money where anybody can bolster the Temporal Blockchain arrange, making another universe of monetary opportunity away from incorporated establishments. Temtum — Coin installments are productive, quantum is protected, extremely quick, does not require a great deal of assets The speed of the Temporal system is unparalleled by any current blockchain innovation, with 120k TPS accomplished in our lab condition and hypothetically boundless, legitimately impacted by the size of the system.The ultra-lightweight design, productivity and agreement of exchanges on Temporal prompts fantastic check speed.

How Temtum Different From Others?

Ultra lightweight and too quick. That is the thing that I am searching for when I am looking for a program to do anything running from opening pictures to altering video. Substantial and moderate applications bother me, and many individuals share a similar inclination. Lazy projects conjure something crude in our reptile minds, like a sense when a creature is gotten in a snare. We feel that the darn idiotically moderate program traps us, and we simply need to move on, much the same as when we are stuck in rush hour gridlock. Temtum, as a cryptographic money and worldly blockchain, is the arrangement only for that, it is excessively quick and ultra lightweight. Temtum is made by specialists, and the transient system it uses is stores superior to the blockchain structure we have been spending as of not long ago.

A fully operational mainnet hosted on numerous servers in multiple countries which has been
proved to far exceed our initial engineering specification for transaction throughput.
» Fully functioning and deployed temtum Network API.
» Fully developed applications for web, Android and iOS devices tested both within and between
various countries globally, including but not limited to, Belarus, Ecuador, UK, Belgium, USA,
Zimbabwe and South Africa.
» An SMS-based system to enable temtum transactions on any type of mobile phone including
feature phones.
» Working nodes on a range of IoT devices including an i8 car and a smart watch.

Temtum solves Several Problems

What Is blockchain Scalability And Why Its Important??

Scalability or rather absence of it, is one of the primary barriers to the business appropriation of blockchain innovation. For what reason is it so difficult to tackle? Bitcoin, in its present structure, can deal with around 7 exchanges for every second (TPS).Reduce the size of every individual exchange. Exchanges would now be able to be affirmed quicker in light of the fact that the holding up time will diminish. Aides in the versatility ofbitcoin. Since the quantity of exchanges in each square will build, it might expand the complete by and large charges that an excavator may gath

Temtum Scalability

The Temporal Blockchain dispenses with the need to store the whole chain history on all hubs by locally chronicling information, while avoiding rivalry in hub determination.


The Speed of Temtum Blockchain is Very fast because of the reality the earth benevolent Consensus Algorithm and the constrained square size will help to raise the assertion of exchanges inside 12 seconds! woa its quick as contrast with others


Exceptionally built around the NIST reference point, Temporal communicates full-entropy bit-strings in squares of 512 bits like clockwork. This steady technique for producing arbitrariness, unconventionality, self-rule, and consistency makes a key hypothetically difficult to precompute. Transient’s quantum mechanics and the utilization of light over processors, makes a degree of irregularity at no other time experienced in figuring.

Transient system topology and security usage has been tried by Crest authorize firm BSI on different occasions and observed to be very secure and hearty and approves our cases.

Low Resouces

.Our accord calculation evacuates the necessity for mining, killing the requirement for exceptionally inefficient and prohibitive agreement instruments, for example, Proof of Work.

Confirmation of work right now requires tons of silly vitality concentrated computational counts so as to affirm exchanges.

With our extraordinary accord calculation we diminish this to a solitary figuring

Temtum Vision

It gives the great open doors that need to this factor scarcely been addressed.

For digital forms of money to flourish, blockchain now needs to make the consequent stride in its development.

What’s more, that is wherein temtum is accessible in. Temtum can help quiet a really assigned, decentralized and majority rule future for financial exchanges.

. We have not just observed this positive future, we have planned, constructed, tried and observed the innovation to be the best substitution medium.

Use Cases Of Temtum

There are four Main use Case Of Temtum

Mobile Payments

Sms Payments

E commerce

Gaming Industry

Temtum Wallet

Temtum will have a web wallet, android wallet, and an ios wallet, and they will have every one of the extravagant accessories, including, anyway never again barred to, bank-grade security, encoded SSL association over HTTPS, 2-factor validation, shrewd Auth wellbeing and confided in IPs. Things like believed IPs sound like an issue to many individuals with dynamic IP addresses, anyway you will thank that you got them on the off chance that anybody attempts to hack your record. The excellent treatment is aversion, so taking these measures is an alluring component for you, the client. To utilize these wallets, you surely sign up and sign in. When you get your own TEM address, you can deliver your digital currency from your own pockets somewhere else or really from a trade. At that point when you like to send cash to other people, you just compose their usernames, and the exchange occurs. This sort of use is ideal for grandmother and grandpa since they will now not need to manage private keys and different obligations in the event that they do now not “get them.” Theoretical number-crunching and scholastic research don’t wind up with reception if conventional individuals can’t utilize them, and the temtum group is endeavoring to achieve only that, mass selection by common individuals

WorldClass team

TemGinger Saltos, world-class cryptographer and temtum CTO, will lead the advancement group working intimately with temtum author and senior cryptography counsel Richard Dennis and CISO Dr Gareth Owenson. They are joined by Chief Dr Doug Meakin, Executive David Shimmon and the best minds in cryptography and blockchain, close by a senior group wealthy in banking framework, business discernment and monetary administrations experience.g.

Blockchain Research

In the course of recent years, the Temporal Blockchain has been inquired about and created to the point we currently have a working item that is an advancement of the whole Blockchain innovation. Our guide returns in time, while illustrating the future for temtum.

It’s Cryptocurrency.Evolved.


Q3 2019

ISO Accreditation

Q4 2019

Increased source of randomness

Q1 2020

Performance Integrity Protocol



Q2 2020

IoT & Mobility Devices

Homomorphic Encryption

Q3 2020

Payment system integrations

Q2 2021

Smart Contracts

Team & Advisors

Core Team

Dr Doug Meakin: President

Richard Dennis: Founder & CEO

Dr Gareth Owenson: CISO

Ginger Saltos, MSc: CTO

David Hodkinson: CFO

Cintya Aguirre: CSA

Board of Directors

David Shimmon: Director

Campbell Law: Director

Kanika Green: Director

Development Team

Eugene Zimnitskiy: Lead Developer

Egor Veremeychik: iOS Developer

Alexey Yalokiv: Android Developer

Andrey Vladyko: Android Developer

Artem Koush: Web Developer

Illia Zabrodsky: JS Developer

Barrie Adams: Full Stack Web Developer

Advisory Board

Bo Lasater: Senior Product Advisor

Johannes Fröhling: Technology Advisor

Adam Grist: Marketing

Rupert Boswall, RPC: Legal Advisor

Patrick Ormond, Walkers: Legal Advisor



English Law Legal Advice

Shufti Pro

Identity Verification / KYC Provider


British Virgin Islands law legal advice


Marketing Agency


Crypto Accounting & Structuring


Pen Testing & 3rd-Party Security


Temtum actualizes an extremely influential thought that can completely modernize the improvement of blockchain innovation, yet in addition our whole world. Utilizing the imaginative Temtum coordinate with practically boundless capacity to scale, while keeping up a rapid of exchange handling is conceivable in totally any industry — this is the thing that the whole worldwide crypto network has been sitting tight for a long time. The undertaking has a profoundly qualified group, dependable accomplices, working item and assets for the usage of all its outstanding assignments. By and large, the venture is fascinating. But Your cash Your decision Best of Luck

For More Inforamation

Website : https://temtum.com/
Whitepaper : https://temtum.com/downloads/temtum-whitepaper.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/temtumcommunity
Twitter : https://twitter.com/wearetemtum
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/wearetemtum

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