How To Be More Optimistic?

Ahmed Faizan Sheikh
2 min readMay 24, 2022

Some people are naturally happier, more positive and optimistic, and face any adversities that come their way with apparent ease. Dread not, however, as there are ways to turn ourselves into more positive, optimistic beings, despite our natural inclinations. Here are some ways for you to start becoming a bit like Soichiro.

1. Build a positive environment for you to exist in

Consider your surroundings — what keeps you from being positive? Who are the three most negative people you spend your time with and the three most negative sources of information? How can you reduce your exposure to these and eventually eliminate them from your daily routines?

2. Stop, breathe and then react

We often get caught up in situations and usually fail to stop and look at things the way they really are. It is easy to overreact and exaggerate the repercussions of something happening, or rather, it seems to be happening. Next time you feel you are reacting to something negatively, take a few seconds to stop stressing and force yourself to clear your thoughts and think of the situation at hand. Take a deep breath and take the time to either reflect on the situation on your own, collect all necessary information by talking and searching for answers, or even talk to a third party to get perspective before you get into the issue full-on.

3. Release yourself from vague fears

If you often find yourself worrying about everything that could go wrong without any actual evidence or signs that it will, stop yourself from doing that. Ask yourself what is the worst that could happen, and see if you get an answer that is really detrimental to yourself or anyone involved. If not, then perhaps you should not worry so much.

4. Accept criticism

Much of our worrying comes from fear of what others think or say about us. Learn to accept criticism — not everyone is graceful in offering it, unfortunately, but it may not be as bad as it sounds. At the end of the day, different people have different viewpoints, so you may or may not agree with what you hear. It’s up to you whether you would like to listen and try to improve on what you are told or whether you’d like to listen and then forget about what you were told.

5. Look for the silver lining

Next time something bad happens, ask yourself what the positive is about the situation. Is there something good that comes out of it? Is there a new opportunity? Always ask yourself questions right away and try to identify the silver lining.

