Fit Parenting: Decoding Childcare Possibilities at OrangeTheory and Beyond

Scot See
2 min readJan 15, 2024


Maintaining an active lifestyle as a parent comes with its challenges, especially when considering childcare during workout sessions. In this exploration, we delve into the question: Does orangetheory have childcare? Alongside addressing this inquiry, we’ll explore alternative solutions and share practical tips for parents striving to seamlessly integrate fitness into their parenting journey.

1. OrangeTheory’s Childcare Policies: While OrangeTheory is renowned for its high-energy workouts, childcare services vary across locations. Some franchises may offer dedicated childcare facilities, but it’s recommended to check with your local OrangeTheory studio for specific policies and availability.

2. Exploring Fitness-Centric Childcare Alternatives: For parents seeking childcare options during workouts, various alternatives exist beyond OrangeTheory. Explore fitness centers, family-friendly studios, and community programs that cater to parents’ fitness needs while ensuring a safe and engaging environment for their children.

3. Local Gyms and Fitness Studios: Many local gyms and fitness studios recognize the importance of accommodating parents. Check for facilities that provide supervised play areas or childcare services, allowing parents to concentrate on their workouts with peace of mind.

4. Family-Centric Fitness Classes: Look for fitness classes designed with families in mind. These classes often encourage parent-child participation, fostering a healthy and active lifestyle for both parents and children simultaneously.

5. Community Centers and YMCA Programs: Community centers and YMCA programs frequently offer comprehensive fitness options coupled with childcare services. These institutions prioritize family well-being and provide a supportive environment for parents striving to balance fitness and parenting.

6. Home Workouts with Parental Involvement: Incorporate home workouts into your routine, allowing flexibility and parental involvement. Engaging in simple exercises with your child can turn fitness sessions into enjoyable bonding experiences.

7. Communicating with OrangeTheory Staff: If your local OrangeTheory studio doesn’t currently offer childcare, communicate your interest and inquire about future plans. Proactive communication can contribute to shaping fitness programs that align with the needs of parents in the community.

8. Crafting a Flexible Fitness Routine: Flexibility is key in managing fitness routines as a parent. Be open to adjusting your workout schedule, incorporating family-friendly activities, and exploring various fitness options based on your child’s needs and your own preferences.

Conclusion: Embarking on the journey of fit parenting involves discovering the right balance between personal well-being and childcare considerations. While OrangeTheory’s childcare offerings may differ, exploring alternatives and adopting a flexible mindset empowers parents to navigate the intersection of fitness and parenting with confidence and enjoyment.

