Muhamad Fajar
5 min readJul 21, 2023


Hello, my name is Muhammad Fajar.

I am a UI/UX design enthusiast, I have taken a UI/UX certificate through the Bootcamp for 6 months. I have completed several study cases given by the mentor. one of the case studies I worked on was Netflix.


Netflix is ​​an application to watch movies online. With the increase in Netflix users, we want to know how users who use Netflix feel. With this case study, we will see how users interact when they first use Netflix.

My role

Because I am working on this study case myself, I am concurrently tasked with being a UI/UX designer and Researcher at the same time.

  • UI/UX designer and researcher


  1. How to provide convenience to new users who want to start subscribing to Netflix?
  2. Create a payment information architecture with an informative and clearer History page viewing experience.


IN-DEPTH Interview, competitor analys and Usability testing

Design proces


This research started from my anxiety, who felt that several features really helped the user. therefore this research is a step that aims to explore what other Netflix users feel. Before doing the design process, I did some research first

The stages of research carried out are making a research plan, collecting finding data to get insight.

This research has objectives to find out user experience in subscribing to and paying Netflix bills. I made several research questions from the objective plan.

1. What do you think should be maximized from the Netflix feature?

2. What do users feel when they want to pay for a Netflix subscription?

3. Do users experience problems when they want to subscribe to Netflix?

Usability Testing

I did behavioral research by conducting Usability Testing which involved real users to find out their needs and problems when using the product. This method is considered sufficient to identify user behavior using Netflix. In addition, this was done to answer previous research questions.


In the UT process, I got 3 participants who were willing to help with this research. active on netflix.


  1. Users open Netflix through the website

You don’t currently have a Netflix account and you’d like to take a look before subscribing

2. Users make netflix subscription transactions

Imagine you want to create an account and subscribe to netflix after that make a payment

After UT

After finishing doing UT i will give u some questions

  1. How was your experience when trying to watch Netflix before subscribing?
  2. How do you feel when you have to switch websites when you want to pay?


After doing the results of in-depth interviews we get some pain points from users and collect them

Key Insight

After doing the test get some insight into the issue most users have the same problem. therefore taking one of the points that is very urgent and allows it to be done.

  1. It’s hard to determine the content that suits them

Users find it difficult when they have to subscribe first because the Netflix main menu is only directed to login or register for a subscription, while the user wants to see what content is on Netflix.

2. Complex subscription payment process

When you want to pay for a subscription via Netflix, users find it very complicated if they have to be directed to a different website.

Ideate Solution

From the results of our research, we conducted a brainstorming process to determine which features are suitable for new Netflix users. the idea is:

1. added the view content feature on the navbar.

2. Create a subscription payment flow on Netflix directly from the Netflix application/website without having to switch from Netflix.


We divided the two prototypes to be more effective in the design section, namely Flowchart, Lo-Fi wireframe and Hi-Fi wireframe.


The red part of the flowchart is a new flow that we add feature ideas to

Lo-Fi Wireframe

From the results of our brainstorming we did a rough design to describe the flow and features added

Hi-Fi Wireframe

Hi-fi was created when we agreed on a new design and features

Design System

The design system is very useful so that the design process does not take too much time. therefore I made several systems in designing.


Refers to the use and arrangement of letters, including font type, size, spacing between letters, spacing between lines, and other settings related to the appearance of text in the user interface

Component & Colors


After all the research has been completed and we have found the topic to be raised, we make a design based on the results of the specified problem.

The “View Content” feature is added and when doing UT the user can find the button quickly.

Payment features

From the research results, it was found that users felt uncomfortable with the Netflix payment system, which required moving websites. Therefore, we created a new flow and design, namely the direct payment method via the Netflix website/application.

Thank you for being involved in this research and for taking the time to review it!

Keep In Touch with me on Linkedin!